Thursday, March 27, 2008

Frequency Indian Channel Astra 28

slow passes of the night
punish her dark cloak that your black eyes
perched on my back
untamed and a moon almost as our
and a timid attempt to breathe your breath
open my chest which would bolt in the center
inhale the air the night the stars do not reach
and reach

your mouth brunette look greedy and eager to double the bet
I embrace your full complete all
not enough for me to have you in essence just want abarcarte

Flesh not in vain the night covers me and my view
create temporary delirium
qualifications and knees I ask, almost broken-
me from this pain with your mouth, your skin
.................................................. ............. and your whole soul

Gonzalo Gareis

Ed note: As there is no other way to tell how much I needed, and how happy I am to have her in my life I improvised a sort of "poem", as an inventory (as would someone I admire a lot) .-