Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ver Foto De Juste Bibe


were 20 stations that I go through in this life, not sleep and it sounds corny, I thought several times to know real love, but then I opened my eyes and saw that it was only a fleeting feeling what lodged in my heart call.

Falls made me strong, I think.
And although not discover the long-awaited taste of true love we most often talk. I have me sitting here writing of loving another person when I do not know if it is sweet or bitter, simple or complex, perfect or not, unknown equation in my book of theory formulas are not taught in my theorems. Something that is not completely deciphered and I will not at this time, not speed up the process, the river continues its flow to the ocean.

I love you, love you, love between young common phrases with different meanings , one much stronger than the other, but with a tie that has bound, fools!, Of course I'm talking about love, what they wrong? Do not you understand? or is wondering what the hell I've smoked, the answer is nothing, my blood is clean and my brain cells alive, but my soul loose, wandering the house, thinking, remembering what extent will reach both, if it was love or a great illusion that I know, I am not sure, I missed before both occur in a long time ago. My wounds fester sweetness, bitterness while intoxicated my soul and kept me sober hope, nothing remained the same. Cold

I returned from time to time, most with whom I share blood and home. Conflicts tend to fill my being and I hate carrying so much bile in the blood that runs through my veins and that is perhaps , this is not my best poem.

Anyway, that matters, there is still hope and sweeten I can with my life I want, my family, friends, my life and others.

I want to love, forgive the repetition, love them every day. Come to love but not to the point of "eternal happiness", because otherwise there would be no reason why my body to continue coming ashore, little by little, nothing is accelerating. Surprises and experiences I still live, I hope.

The supposed true love does not come at all, the delay, little by little and enjoy the moments, that my prince charming does not exist, that the end of my story does not sound happy forever, but feel I learned I lived, I wanted much to many people who simply feel that I feel too, it was worth all the past, to continue learning, living and loving .. maybe another simple, simple, complex, subtle, unusual , imperfect and wonderful human being. (Stories of a past, worded text July 2009)