Sunday, November 25, 2007

How To Put On A Double Loop Belt

Day against violence against women MONTENEGRO

Today, November 25, I dedicate this post to a subtle form of violence against women: mobbing, bullying in the professional field or in the workplace. Mobbing is often the continuation of sexual harassment. Or a sex malformed and misunderstood, by some men (and many still, unfortunately), as conquest and / or destruction of the woman and not as an equal dialogue with their own needs and rights. So dear sir colleague, boss, colleague, were that "Minita" that dresses stand shoulder to shoulder with you and whom you perceived perhaps as an illegitimate "invasion" of "your" space, but you did not give you hot or hour (or because neither the question, gil! or why not), you would not you have absolutely no right to "revenge" by using your right or wrong portion gained power to adversely affect not only against him, destroying or attempting to destroy his career, not for me! call him a paranoid if it detect and report your foul play. You're a MAN, a mere mortal, and do not pretend to act like a pagan god who throws thunderbolts your child resists whim, because what you end up being a RAT.
dedicate these reflections to all readers but especially to my "ex? friend, fellow poet and former long section chief, Prof. MP, with charity and compassion you deserve to be a SICK (curable) and the remains of the great love anything tiny that he once had.
And in honor of the great love that could not be.
And that could not be, in large part also because my self-esteem had been weakened by years and years of domestic violence, emotional abuse and discrimination.
The latter is the party of which I deal itself, it has to do with my story, and (with help) try to reverse.
So I provide on this day for happiness and respect that women deserve. We are not masochists, not want to suffer. Patiently endured the missiles to pull us because we defend our land with dignity, that with effort and struggle of just three or four generations of liberated women have won.
But patience is over.
So, dude, FUCK NO MORE.


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