Friday, December 28, 2007

Free Movies Of Milena Velba

until next year

This is the last post I climb in 2007 as morning delivery heading to the mountains, to receive the 2008 in a place surrounded by mountains, lakes, silence ... peace.
has been a busy year, and I renew my energies to move in 2008 of equal or better, so I take my leave of you, colleagues, friends, colleagues, with my sincere wishes for prosperity, yearning for a suitable for next year. See you next year (Wednesday 02 to be precise), again through this medium.
Happy 2008, with all my heart.
Gonzalo Gareis

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Romance Novels With Harems

a tragedy of ambition

(small Kafkaesque parable)

There is an object A. Has an owner. The subject B as greed and try to take it. C and D will insist desist. B assures them he will not resign. C says that its claim to possession of A are not themselves in any way, a property right. D tells A's right to self determination. The arguments of C and D range contradictory between the instigation of resignation and apology of seduction: a A must either leave it alone, or enter it a little tame, enchant, persuade. From A to B must either not wait for anything, or do not expect more than A can or will give, and that when A decides. Ie that B wait, simply. C and D call for B to respect the sovereignty of A. There are limits to comply, they explain. There is a law that prohibits B have its like A. But B claims that A is theirs and not just going to take it, and not just going to take it as soon as possible, but also will not release it even if I try to take by force. B to C and D is a coward and do not hesitate to go to A. But you can not go alone: \u200b\u200bit needs to C and D, those who followed him and accompany the principle, but do not go as far that B believes that they should go. For whatever reason, B loses to A, was able to grab it with the help of C and D, but can not keep it. When you're losing, desperately asking for help once more to its partners C and D, but they call prudence. After a short fight, A is lost and B must sit for it. B because of their defeat to the cowardice of C and D. For its part, C D loaded on B all responsibility for the disaster.

Tom Delonge Tattoos Stripes

summer erotomania

What flag knitted into nothingness, thread by thread
death against this long is time? What
imagined, what I said, what a life I thought I saw, what
back of the plot of a crime is this love of wilderness,
this hand alone that you applaud?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Milena Velba Look A Like

That sap and sun, loving, engender the green
how fragile and alive, a warm breeze caressing
the beauty of the fragile
that unscathed, beloved, how fragile beauty shine in lukewarm
air. Venceremos

love. Venceremos. The music
on our side.

Breast Tingling After Period

Two croissants, coffee, a water. A Chevy Series 2

parked between two paradises.
An open book with a mug of beer
on an oilcloth.
things waiting in the corner of 4 and 60
at 17:21. Like them, I also looked

when they speak.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Top Rated Mini Dv Prosumer Camcorders


"do not waste M'hijo. If you do not use
round, you'll need it back ..." Jacinto

Gareis (my father)

in this little way
obtuse mine / yours / our /
other thorny roses and other plants are always


these everyday pastimes
tragicomic way of life when gold dust is visceversa
are those who are blinded

beforehand and yet we are heirs

baqueanos own or plowing a path that is not our
but always leads to equal
say this because sometimes when we
on the last play we discover

Chatinos flat and that we realize / that we are nothing ... Gonzalo


... I wrote this poem after meeting my father's boat and thereby protected from the rain that was coming. Was given that he needed a rope to tie one end of the canvas, and what threw me. Here is where my father use the words "do not waste M'hijo. If you do not use it one way, you'll need it back" alluding to the rope that was thrown. It may seem insignificant, but that gesture led me to write these words.

Today I share with you. Simply beautiful gifts I found a bit of my story, with a couple of lines written ...

pd: Together we have written the 2nd Salome. part of the story of John and Marisa, I invite you to keep track of, and outcomes together this wonderful magic of writing ... Here:

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Haunted Places In Eastern Shore Maryland

position Soliloquies

presidents Marriage offers

Diplomacy in the jungle, ice, underwater platform (including snorkels), mediate in all types of terrain and climate. Hostage rescue, rid spells, get your lost love. Corruption case
small, medium, large, in all sizes boxes.
penal reforms immediately. University graduates accepted. phony.


Ask for Kris or the Penguin.

Fan Electricity Usage

of wise words because it is worth ... Back

Antonio Vega & Tontxu - To touch the sky

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


this Sunday outside

of kids playing in the streets
pigeons flight incite elderly

holding hands watching the couple kissing with mouths that call
the premiere this Sunday

passing stranger in his land

with hours that are not
seeking interim periods where cumulative shelter
caresses owe you this Sunday

nearby desert and naturally because your skin
my skin is a
though we thought
and annul the distance
me this Sunday will not love you

Gonzalo Gareis

From the Blue (acrylic on canvas) - Mirna Alonso

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POEM # 12

They look at it they sense there is a wish,
caress, kiss and naked,
inhaled, they lie, they sniff,
they penetrate, they suck, they disfigure,
to sleep, wake up, light up,
are greedy, be felt, are fascinating,
chewed, they like, drool,
confused, flattened, disintegrate,
goes dormant, die, are returning, are stretched
is arched, nodding,
twist, stretch, flare,
strangle, tighten shake,
is therefore meet, faint,
repel, is enervating, is like,
are undertaken, they are linked, collide, crouch
be imprison, dislocate,
are drilled, are embedded, are riddled,
are riveted, are grafted, are screwed,
fainted, revive, shine,
are addressed, are swollen, mad,
melted, welded, calcined,
tear, bite, they kill,
raised, is looking for, they rub,
be shunned, evaded, and delivered. Oliverio


- - - - - -

... as a typical Sunday, as a calendar day. The difference is in the Monday, which is no longer a blue moon. So I take these words as a gift, because Sunday will be different, like the rest of the year.

Thanks for being here today.

And thanks to you to continue bringing you these letters.

A big hug, Gonzalo .-

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Royal Art Pottery Lonston

The Kirchners

on Friday December 7, 20:30 pm
presented in Rosario ...

Soliloquies, Beatriz Vignoli

Presents: Sonia Scarabelli
Reading of poems by the author

in: Space


Catamarca 1147 Rosario floor 4

I hope there will be toast! I'll

Bloons Pack 3 Level 28

Shut up, Vicente Verdú!

asked Her Majesty ...

Someone needs to tell him to shut Verdú.
Verdú must tell the center from which speech is a central second, a cheesy center. Verdú have to tell the dismissive gesture with which detects and misses the upstart literature Latinos are under aristocrat itching gesture of guarango parvenu. Verdú have to tell them is ugly, very ugly to the English walk with such bad manners, contempt of seventeenth-century English slave. Someone has to explain that the old is he, that the new rich is it. Someone needs to tell that the older and better established in the European Community laugh at him behind his back with the same cool irony with which he castigates the privates, the minuets and intrigue novels of the American savages. Truth is, I would say, petty goings widows very least pose as a Hollywood screenwriter with a portable Olympia typewriter model 1945 in the age of email, chat, blog, fotolog, bluetooth, infrared sight, painless hair removal and light yogurt. But Faulkner revived its claim must be laughing in hell the very Baroness Thatcher.
Someone needs to tell Verdú that he is a lapdog of the empire, but decadent empires: to warn you that someone will notify their aesthetic categories Verdú Modernist and are old in a center that went out of fashion too, because even the Baroness stop laughing in hell if China attack.

(NOTE: This is referred to the note on the front page of the supplement Ñ this week)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Nfl Players In Jockstraps

"Mercedes Sosa - As the cicada"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


opens dark mantle in its immensity
find me alone, acquitted, next.
While the Sanskrit minutes elapse
clarifying the shadows, warns top lantern
past penalties on me.

Nothing is so far, nothing is erased but
icy blow, removing the sand grains

the absence or penalties to achieve the wash crying, from the top
of memory. Meanwhile

the curtain falls on this huge curtain

So the years go by day and slowly

overlooks the white face and round my sorrows.
And so strongly, I find myself in a mirror

and I'm not
but my reflection.

Gonzalo Gareis
December - 2007

... I'm returning to my roots inside, my place, my things. I'm coming back to me. To believe, to make, to build. It is not easy when one felt stripped of everything, but it is not difficult when one intends to rebuild. Today I return to me, so I'm coming to you, this adventure of life. Missing a piece of me and I am reunited with him. It will be a breakthrough, or small, does not matter. is progress and that's enough.

"Whoever has something why live, is able to support any how" - Nietzsche