Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fan Electricity Usage

of wise words because it is worth ... Back

Antonio Vega & Tontxu - To touch the sky

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this Sunday outside

of kids playing in the streets
pigeons flight incite elderly

holding hands watching the couple kissing with mouths that call
the premiere this Sunday

passing stranger in his land

with hours that are not
seeking interim periods where cumulative shelter
caresses owe you this Sunday

nearby desert and naturally because your skin
my skin is a
though we thought
and annul the distance
me this Sunday will not love you

Gonzalo Gareis

From the Blue (acrylic on canvas) - Mirna Alonso

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POEM # 12

They look at it they sense there is a wish,
caress, kiss and naked,
inhaled, they lie, they sniff,
they penetrate, they suck, they disfigure,
to sleep, wake up, light up,
are greedy, be felt, are fascinating,
chewed, they like, drool,
confused, flattened, disintegrate,
goes dormant, die, are returning, are stretched
is arched, nodding,
twist, stretch, flare,
strangle, tighten shake,
is therefore meet, faint,
repel, is enervating, is like,
are undertaken, they are linked, collide, crouch
be imprison, dislocate,
are drilled, are embedded, are riddled,
are riveted, are grafted, are screwed,
fainted, revive, shine,
are addressed, are swollen, mad,
melted, welded, calcined,
tear, bite, they kill,
raised, is looking for, they rub,
be shunned, evaded, and delivered. Oliverio


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... as a typical Sunday, as a calendar day. The difference is in the Monday, which is no longer a blue moon. So I take these words as a gift, because Sunday will be different, like the rest of the year.

Thanks for being here today.

And thanks to you to continue bringing you these letters.

A big hug, Gonzalo .-


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