Monday, December 17, 2007

Top Rated Mini Dv Prosumer Camcorders


"do not waste M'hijo. If you do not use
round, you'll need it back ..." Jacinto

Gareis (my father)

in this little way
obtuse mine / yours / our /
other thorny roses and other plants are always


these everyday pastimes
tragicomic way of life when gold dust is visceversa
are those who are blinded

beforehand and yet we are heirs

baqueanos own or plowing a path that is not our
but always leads to equal
say this because sometimes when we
on the last play we discover

Chatinos flat and that we realize / that we are nothing ... Gonzalo


... I wrote this poem after meeting my father's boat and thereby protected from the rain that was coming. Was given that he needed a rope to tie one end of the canvas, and what threw me. Here is where my father use the words "do not waste M'hijo. If you do not use it one way, you'll need it back" alluding to the rope that was thrown. It may seem insignificant, but that gesture led me to write these words.

Today I share with you. Simply beautiful gifts I found a bit of my story, with a couple of lines written ...

pd: Together we have written the 2nd Salome. part of the story of John and Marisa, I invite you to keep track of, and outcomes together this wonderful magic of writing ... Here:


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