Monday, February 28, 2011

Having 360 Blood Sugar Am I A Diabetic

need others to feel important, feel unique

After winning the World Basketball Championship in Japan 2006, I asked Pepu Hernandez national team coach, what was most important when one is leading a team. And I said: "For me key thing is to make all players feel they are important and which are responsible for what happens, they must know they are really part of the team and they will be willing to give everything." President Berndtson Odgers, Jose Medina, told me: "Great leaders give great meaning to the work of individuals, able to pass on what you do is very important."

Thanks to Mari Cruz Gomar (@ cruzcoaching) I find this passage of The Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (the film is Stanley Donen, 1974), which we discussed here in A Prince and company . This time the scene is that of Prince and the fox. "You always feel responsible for the animal that has been domesticated," says the fox to Prince. And the voice of off reflects: "At that moment I understood everything he had told me before. He was not like the other foxes in the world. I had tamed, and now it was unique, at least for me. And my pink was not like other roses because I care lavished. For the night covered with a bell jar and took care when he complained. It was my rose. I felt responsible for it. And I had to return to care. "

is not the only teaching of this scene. Also includes the famous phrase:" What is essential is invisible to the eye. Only looks good with the heart. "Here I leave:

* For those who like this book, many quotations on the following link .


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