Friday, February 25, 2011

Licence Plate Concealer

on the sun, in particular and nature in general ...

few weeks ago I spoke to Daniel Lumera, a young specialist in Solar Consciousness (the Sun's influence in our lives) that interviewed on The Against La Vanguardia (@ bbc). The holder of the interview was: "The sun and light is a source of health." We quote some ideas:

- The sun synthesizes vitamin D, which serves to fix the calcium in bones, prevents colds, autoimmune diseases and asthma. Protects the heart, regulate the functioning of the liver and intestines, help to prevent weight gain ...

- The sun regulates the impulses of hunger, thirst and sleep. Vitamin D is related to the smooth muscle in adolescence and the regular formation of cholesterol, strengthens the nervous system, immune system, endurance, attention span and learning ...

- Excessive artificial light has the same effect as a poor diet: pallor, lethargy, tendency to depression and reduction of vital energy, and effectiveness of the immune system, and a tendency to gain weight, as I said.

The rest you can read the interview The Counter. Today I leave a video report (40 minutes) which points out some other interesting things. Here we have said before: "Keep in touch with nature. The trees talk, talking animals, the rivers speak ... but do not use the language of the word. Listen and teach you many things."

Here's the video:


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