Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sample Of Congratulatory Speech

Tribute to bloggers / twitterers (45): Javier Pérez Caro

We have another edition of Homage to Bloggers today with Javier Pérez Caro (@ javierperezcaro) of Blog posted Friday, New Book . He is a professor of business ethics in several business schools, and works as an independent consultant, trainer, speaker, lecturer, in addition to being large family.

Here are the questions and answers:

1. One lesson that life taught you: Everything comes to those who can wait, prepare, train, develop personally and professionally. Every day we must stand up and be convinced that going to be a good day and that the first interested in who is a good day "me."

2. A lesson that has taught the professional world: Not everything is rosy in organizations. People journeyed, some leave footprints and other overlooked.

3. A lesson that has taught the world of training: to be continually recycled, no bad afternoon, but bad teachers. Do not have theories, but practical things. Students who are in the classroom, can conduct your business.

4. A lesson you have taught the world of internet / blogs / social networks: The power of internet, to connect, viralizar a message, mobilize the masses,

5. What do you like the world 2.0: The ability to communicate, share, listen, collaborate with people who if not for technology we probably never would know.

6. What do you dislike the world 2.0: The lack of control to prevent certain content shamelessly run over the Internet. Or the children have access to them.

7. Defined by a phrase the world we live in: are global changes in all fields of knowledge, leadership changes at the level of countries and even continents.

8. What I miss most in society: Values, commitment, ethics.

9. Attribute value most about a person: His values, ethics, the ability to commit.

10. Thing we endure in a person: The lack of integrity, excessive ego.

11. One tip I would give the most Young: What are people values, to train, prepare. The train passes once through the door ...

12. The greatest enemy of man is: have not looked in the mirror.

13. The greatest ally of man is: Their values, principles

14. A film that you recommend and why: Les Choristes. For its ability to discover and build the talent that lies hidden behind anonymous.

15. A book that you recommend and why: Man's Search for Meaning Everything we do in our day to day sense, but we have to find it.

16. A restaurant that you recommend and why: Pirula Hotel in Ecija. It's like being in my house

17. A food: 1. Rice with Partridge, 2. Oxtail with potatoes, and dessert tart or a midwife Ecijano yolks.

18. A song that you recommend and why: We are the champions of The Queen. Together we can.

19. A city \u200b\u200bthat you recommend to go visit and why: Ecija, my people, I simply love it. Has much to do for tourists, lots of churches, towers, steeples, Romanesque treasures for lovers of good cuisine has several upscale restaurants and are very welcoming.

20. A city that you recommend to live and why: Sevilla, where I live today. For its size is comfortable, has advantages of city, but without the major drawbacks of a large capital. This allows you to work and play.

21. What you like best Spain and English: character, kindness.

22. What you dislike about Spain and English: Topics and regionalism.

23. Which historical figure would you like to share and present a "heads up"
- Historical: Alexander the Great for its great achievements.
- Now: Rafa Nadal, who represents the values \u200b\u200band personality.

24. The man is good by nature (Rousseau) and The Man is a wolf to man (Hobbes)?: The man is a wolf to man.

25. Does life have meaning or not?: Everything in life makes sense, but we must make an effort to find meaning in what we do in our daily becoming insignificant it may seem.

26. Is there real friendship or just friendly substitutes?: I believe in true friendship. The substitute for chocolate.

27. The world is changing for the better, worse or is the same as centuries ago: Worse, given that the global crisis in which we operate.

28. What is success for you?: something we should pursue, but we should not be obsessed. We must also be prepared for failure, and learn from it. Not everyone is successful in life.

29. What is wisdom for you?: The wise man is one who is able to learn about your current job and immediately unlearn to learn again.

30. How do you see the death from your shoes?: distant hope

31. Is life great or, perhaps, as Huxley said, is hell on other planets? Life is wonderful and we must learn to enjoy every moment of it.

32. A good leader is distinguished by: Saber around people with more talent than him. Growing the team, promoting social cohesion, learning, teamwork, and most importantly generate new leaders and then leave without being noticed, she's gone.

33. A good employee is distinguished by: level of commitment and involvement, feel and experience the organization.

34. A leading reference for you: My father, who taught me many things and I owe much of who I am.

35. If you were Prime Minister, the first decision you would take: Measures to create and foster a quality business network.

36. A hobby: Playing badminton , Building a lego (Tecnon).

37. Main feature of your character that defines you: Constancia.

38. Feature in the one you like better: Character.

39. Which blogger would you like invitásemos this tribute and why: Koldo Saratxaga, share their theories on the model of success based on trust. Juan Carlos Cubero I think it's a great teacher of English management. José Luis Pérez Huertas , a good friend and best professional coaching.

40. A phrase / quote that reflects your philosophy of life: "Teach us good Lord, to serve as you deserve, to give without counting the cost, to fight without counting the wounds and not seek rest, to work without asking for reward except knowing that you do will. "San Ignacio de Loyola.

41. A dream that you would like to see done: Create a foundation help children with certain diseases.

42. Blogs-Web / Twitter: / @ JavierPerezCaro.

43. Additional Comments: Francisco would like to thank the opportunity you have given me to participate in your particular tribute to the Bloggers / Twitterers.

* Next Sunday, March 6 will have to Angel Cabrera (@ artecar24) in this section and Sunday 13 to Andrés Pérez Ortega (@ marcapersonal).


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