Monday, December 20, 2010

Shoe Template For Fondant

2011 in Teachers Innovadores.NET

PHILOSOPHY YOUNG in Teachers Innovadores.NET

Friday, December 17, 2010

White Shepherd's Hooks


has been a long time that my fingers do not touch the computer keyboard to write something for own satisfaction. have been many months since I published a post on this damn blog, and while not looking trade it I have not had the call time available to reflect on the words.

That story full of twists and turns ... ended. He was

oblivion soon, because still haunted my memory from time to time, and that social networks still us stay connected. Also there's no denying that it was for a long time my best friend and now my friend is.

Since her disappearance continued with my choppy story of love and heartache ... adventures and mischief.

But these are stories that will appear soon .. as time permits me.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cbc Show Signs Of Hiv

Start Today - Maite Perroni, Marco Di Mauro

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Brazilian Keratin Treatment In Fayetteville Nc


To close the year, we will have a super edge- offer in a new version: EARN POINTS .
1. The responses of the edge-tenders. In addition to winning the points of activity for being among the top 20 (no matter if you're a 6 th or 7 th) wins additional 50 points.

2. Video-reflective: VIDEO or Web address (URL) where the video. Remember to be a theme for reflection, not very long, between 1 and 4 minutes. The first 30 videos enrolled earn 100 bonus points

3. Slides Outline: Choose a specific topic and prepares some slides. The first 30 synthesis earn 100 bonus points the next 20 will earn 50 points. Remember you must have good spelling, plus striking images (themes to be developed: the polis, the Greek alphabet, Greek geography). You can only between 6 and 12-slide, including the filing.

4. Logos Young Philosophy: Create a new image for use on the page. the first 50 will win 30 points and win the ten selected right to be published in Philosophy Young and 150 points. You can choose any section of Philosophy Young to make your creation. HERE YOU LEAVE AN EXAMPLE:


Between 151 and 250 points you earn, you'll 1.5 earned in your final exam, that is if you take your note will automatically be 3.0 4.5 ... if you take your note will be 2.0 3.5. DO YOU THINK?

Between 120 and 150 points you earn, you'll 1 tenth earned in your final exam, that is if you take your note will automatically be 3.0 4.0 ... if you take your note will be 4.0 5.0. DO YOU THINK?

Between 50 and 119 points you earn, you will have earned 0.5 on your final exam, that is if you take your note will automatically be 3.0 3.5 ... if you take your note will be 4.0 4.5. DO YOU THINK?

All your attempts at PHILOSOPHY POINTS WIN-YOUNG must be enviandos the e-mail:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Equivalent To Coconut Oil



Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kate Playground Pole Dance



Monday, September 27, 2010

Ijoy Board How Many Calories Can You Burn


Hello Friend, We have started a new section of Philosophy Young: VIDEOREFLEXIÓN , this is a place to believe and be ... to get closer to what we are told from the magic of video. For now go to the Main Menu and click on the link Videoreflexión, watch a beautiful video.

Then answer: what about this Videoreflexión today? enter in the logbook. if you want you can invite your family to watch the video and write something in your Blog

Deceased Family Members At A Wedding

young philosopher ... ON! FJ

young philosopher and find 2 new phrases ... Do not you disconnect from JUNIOR PHILOSOPHY

Friday, September 17, 2010

Party Hut Rear Canvas

Hello Biffeña, I promised. In this section we will work with our new platform, an excellent opportunity to share new adventures. is important to follow all instructions that gives you the tutorial. DOWNLOAD , then go to the MAIN MENU and connect the Link Platform. TUTORIAL

PLATFORM Upon entering, you will find the following form:

must go to the right and place you in the link Registration - Click Here for your registration. This opens a form, you must bear in mind that your name and your user are clear

After filling all the spaces click register user. Must leave a notice has been registered and can see the course list and select the desired one. Click

Now go to SEARCH





Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Masterbate In The Shower


This activity is scheduled to deliver during the week of 6 to 10 September. Follow the instructions in the job.

1. Main Menu download the Guide 1 - Geography
2. Read and highlight in different colors, regions, cities, places of interest, key information to remember
3. Make a Concept Map you can do in the synthesis of this guide. can save in your wallet - Product Recalls

philosophical study for the Institutional Quiz

Friday, May 14, 2010

Can I Drink Tea While Fasting

Go back?

Continued ... Talk? ..

know if it was not long silence, but my mind went blank and my body went numb, be careful what I was about to say.

again began to stutter.

and I feel like a fool, trying to listen. He told me not forget how much fun it was to walk up the avenue Angamos , follow by the expressway, and again return to the crossing of the Republic of Panama with Angamos . As I remember the long talks we had in those walks. From politics, marches bullfighting, music, band, until they could not be the best things in this world and how much we liked to talk nonsense, nonsense, and bother.

Gently his fingers back to touch my cold cheeks. A smile crossed my lips, he noticed and said, " MONCE "While smiling." He paused, rubbed his eyes.

He looked at me, and I, stupidly, I kept seeing his small dark eyes.

I thought a lot about us, good on you, I said. I know I'm crazy, I'm a guy again, maybe I'm not the same for you came to feel so much, I apologize for what happened. I know that I'm the same idiot with the game we played not to step on the hairline , we both know that I have changed too. And sometimes I think bad. But we also know that I love you too.

The words I never heard that in turn came from one moment to another. He was apologizing and honest with me, was answering the questions that always had circulated in my head for months since I saw him, Do you remember everything we went?, Or is it perhaps is not strange because we what happened to us?.

all seemed so unreal, that we only looked at her and said but .. is that ... he hit me with his words, and told me that was the problem as it was not accepted. The typical sentence, "is that you do not accept me as I am," looked at him and smiled a little sad and disappointed, I looked and he only managed to hold my hands again, stand up, "how the hell you explain that you are the most important thing I have?".

did not know whether happy or maybe get bothered by the rough so to speak, while he was still looking.

What can I say it, that actually if you are the most important, are the one who never left me so many stupid things, I love you crazy and not care about your family or mine. I could not answer and I got lost in his words.

Being as close to me, tried to kiss me .. I closed my eyes, I grabbed the shoulders, but I stopped, looked at him and hugged him.

could not go to kiss him, though he wanted, was not the same. I love him, love him but not to return to him. and I said, I love you like you can not imagine, but we're friends.

bother, he said he never mentioned an us or something, I nodded, looked at each other and walked together in silence until I got home. We said goodbye and we do not see more than a year ago.

felt immense pain, but I removed a load off, I turned the page and I continued my life. He's my friend and things are fine.

Friday, April 23, 2010

What Stores Do Layaways

Talk? Meeting

Continued "surprise find"

.. Why should we talk, it would speak to the boy knew nothing for some time, but was While I wanted more was the time I spent with him, or indeed perhaps the most was the time I walked in love with him.

I felt my eyes widened tremendously, but I should not really move me much. At the end of the day he was. But I still remember the chill that ran through my body, because despite taking a sip of coffee while this story, I tremble cold feet through my body at him so close.

The same guy who had a long relationship, which was not exactly the best. The same dreamer with which I played endlessly, the same promise, it promises not fulfilled completely, the same child who once ran his fingers over my face, wiping a tear, the same idiot that sometimes caused. He was holding my hand asking me to talk and I did not stop him, just let me go.

What shock?, Please that conversation and you had a million and one times!, ONE MILLION!. But since you're so silly sometimes did ignore this sentence around your head. I looked and walked to the yellow bench is half a block from your house, you sat at one end of it, outside of that white pharmacy had already closed, while he stood hesitating. It was funny seeing

nervous to see who was always so sure of himself, whom I criticized for the insecurity that I was not afraid to show who attacked my priorities, but who loved that I'll be as close to my family and some of my principles, he hated NO for an answer but in the end admitted that he loved my NO when he said: "let's go and leave everything."

That boy adventurer, vital, that kid a little shy at first, that sweet boy, renegón, the rebel who commanded all to hell when he wanted, he almost always talked about that did not care about others. He was hesitating in front of me. He was trying to say something, and did not know where to start.

sentences without meaning, without any connection, came from his lips. Commented as he had changed, that almost did not recognize me, my hair had grown, I do not see any piercing or wick fuxia, spoke of our mutual friends, etc. I only heard what he said, because he was run over by talking, walking from side to side, hands in his pockets until he sat at the other end of the bench.

gave a strong breath, I looked and said it's late, I go, I have things to do tomorrow morning. Do not know why I lied, I had classes the next day was not up early, I had nothing left, just invaded my fear of words acontinuación could continue after that sigh.

Ptm, do not go .. please, I said. Please? He could not use that term, did not know I could not believe what he heard while he sat closer no I could stop staring at his black eyes and neither backed off when he told me stay, I need you, need to talk.

hugged me stronger than ever, I could not hold back, he reciprocated the hug, and with trembling voice told him what happens, maybe you're wrong?, You know you can count on me.

released another sigh, I looked into her eyes and I said okay I'll tell everything at once, or at least will try.

I was stupid, my face turned away a couple of inches, I looked a bit and listened carefully ....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Long Does Plan B Stay In Your Body

His back and foot flat on a wall. "Smoking a cigarette?, I'm still not sure, or perhaps simply prefer not to specify. He wore a black cap, faded blue jeans with just dragging, much like the ones I like, black with white coat and white sneakers with black pins.

1 AM and we just stared at 5 meters, in that block where no light more unfortunate that the focus of a light pole. At first I was surprised to see him standing at three houses from where I lived, was seldom seen after one year. Fear, nervousness, joy, confusion, deception, endless emotions "feelings?, Invaded my body and mind; until the moment that I located the half-drawn mischievous smile on his face.

Why so late, I asked. I looked at him and smiled half, while an "apology? Not owe anyone explanations, leaving only my lips without thinking.

left me silly when I said "I knew, just kidding, but you should not expose yourself to walk alone at this hour."

Did you know, since I had heard a logical answer, comprehensive, subtle, sarcastic, out of his mouth where modesty did not fit into their vocabulary. (Never, never expressed that way to over 3 years).

came and I was looking for my keys in her purse, took my hand and said we must talk.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mild Reversal Of The Cervical Lordosis

surprise .. "They" .. I slept

He says
Good, I'm not wrong, I'm fine. I'll be fine because I have no desire to be wrong, and because life happens too fast to try to find those little things that sometimes make us doubt that there are sunny days in our minds. I like to think that I will live for many years, although perhaps not entirely true, but I'm completely sure of is that true happiness is not in the rules that society imposes on us for allegedly leading a full life or on unconditional faith in God that we may already be tired of hearing the same sermon every Sunday and believers themselves and apologizing to gain a place in heaven missed.
really do not know if I could define the word "happiness" is not a word that this added to my internal dictionary .. Maybe I was never happy and never will be .. perhaps be the happiest person in the world at some undetermined time .. I'll never know what I'll do tomorrow because I do not live thinking about a concrete future. Thinking about the future only makes you lose this time and then repent of things that you did in the past. I see no reason to waste the short time traffic we have to enjoy thinking that maybe one day I will not get to see. I have no desire to know if tomorrow I'll have a lot of money or I will be famous, or perhaps neither .. I have no desire to know if I will live 100 years or if this is my last birthday .. I have no desire to know how many people think I'm a moron q q shit talk .. I have only wanted to know that I'm going through right now.
* Pd .- Here is your answer to so many conversations and reproaches lovingly made me know .. your own answer to why do not write anything.

She responds, q
know you do not like wasting time thinking about the future, you know I like to bother talking about the future because q I have one. While saying that now I know that if you hear me when I say .. "I do not want to talk about it." We know that happiness is not eternal, as we know q is happiness, because it is a sentiment not fully defined, and many others. Live, if not years, but I know that you will live. Q Because living is getting up every morning, wash your face and follow your daily routine. Life is a verb, is more than life, rather than the word defined in the dictionary. Because I believe that living is knowing that each day is lived if it was worth it, because every day is special and every smile stolen. I do not know how long I live, but I know I do and I am "happy", if that happiness is counted with the smiles that emit at will and why I often steal or floors without stopping. The're having fun .. because you like to be. But remember that the future also includes desires, hopes, dreams velvet .. those who wait .. these are met that are not made of glass, because it will break so easily. Beware
PD.-not get lost in reality, your essence and who you really are not trapped by those ropes and grips of different colors that stand out in the monochrome of Lima. Live, feel, smile and ... "happy .."..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How To Seal A Concrete Bathtub

lies the body lying in bed, no blood. Inert
, stopped breathing, eyes open, his head hanging on one side of the bed, one hand touching the ground with dead fingers, dead
like freshly bathed his whole body, wet hair, smelling of shampoo apple
over his parched lips, uttering that surround smell pills and remedies.

I close my eyes, I see so sweet now,
"sleeping" your own way, I take the little hair you have on your face,
decided to cover the nakedness of his body so that your soul is not cool.
I take the teddy bear that always sleeps with it and leave your side, a sound breaks the silence of that room where there is no trace of sun. Caen
bottles of aspirin, cough syrup and alprazolam .

I examine the glass of water resting on your nightstand, combined smells to Tramal, medicine for severe pain. Maybe it hurt too much soul, he decided to pass up as in the past tried to do. I read the prescription that the cost was and said

" Miss Issy just relax and be better." Natalia

baffles me, I get dizzy and fall.
I open my eyes, I stretch and hit me on my bedside table, almost The glass buttons medicine was drinking, but I forgot.

I take my teddy bear and falls open a bottle of aspirin along with a cough syrup, but this is sealed.

stretch my fingers and palms of my hands hurt, my nails had hurt me, not much blood, it is superficial and will disappear like the original dream, I think. I

the bathroom, I'm barefoot, I mean, but the ground is frozen, or is that reality is too cold.

I look in the mirror, I wash my face to wipe away the tears that dried there. Saco
toilet paper right pocket of my pants, drop a plate alprazolam where missing two pills, I look at the pick, I dry my face.

I keep the pills, I leave the bathroom and with a smile greeted the visit he arrived.
Written, July 14, 2009.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ver Foto De Juste Bibe


were 20 stations that I go through in this life, not sleep and it sounds corny, I thought several times to know real love, but then I opened my eyes and saw that it was only a fleeting feeling what lodged in my heart call.

Falls made me strong, I think.
And although not discover the long-awaited taste of true love we most often talk. I have me sitting here writing of loving another person when I do not know if it is sweet or bitter, simple or complex, perfect or not, unknown equation in my book of theory formulas are not taught in my theorems. Something that is not completely deciphered and I will not at this time, not speed up the process, the river continues its flow to the ocean.

I love you, love you, love between young common phrases with different meanings , one much stronger than the other, but with a tie that has bound, fools!, Of course I'm talking about love, what they wrong? Do not you understand? or is wondering what the hell I've smoked, the answer is nothing, my blood is clean and my brain cells alive, but my soul loose, wandering the house, thinking, remembering what extent will reach both, if it was love or a great illusion that I know, I am not sure, I missed before both occur in a long time ago. My wounds fester sweetness, bitterness while intoxicated my soul and kept me sober hope, nothing remained the same. Cold

I returned from time to time, most with whom I share blood and home. Conflicts tend to fill my being and I hate carrying so much bile in the blood that runs through my veins and that is perhaps , this is not my best poem.

Anyway, that matters, there is still hope and sweeten I can with my life I want, my family, friends, my life and others.

I want to love, forgive the repetition, love them every day. Come to love but not to the point of "eternal happiness", because otherwise there would be no reason why my body to continue coming ashore, little by little, nothing is accelerating. Surprises and experiences I still live, I hope.

The supposed true love does not come at all, the delay, little by little and enjoy the moments, that my prince charming does not exist, that the end of my story does not sound happy forever, but feel I learned I lived, I wanted much to many people who simply feel that I feel too, it was worth all the past, to continue learning, living and loving .. maybe another simple, simple, complex, subtle, unusual , imperfect and wonderful human being. (Stories of a past, worded text July 2009)