Thursday, April 1, 2010

How To Seal A Concrete Bathtub

lies the body lying in bed, no blood. Inert
, stopped breathing, eyes open, his head hanging on one side of the bed, one hand touching the ground with dead fingers, dead
like freshly bathed his whole body, wet hair, smelling of shampoo apple
over his parched lips, uttering that surround smell pills and remedies.

I close my eyes, I see so sweet now,
"sleeping" your own way, I take the little hair you have on your face,
decided to cover the nakedness of his body so that your soul is not cool.
I take the teddy bear that always sleeps with it and leave your side, a sound breaks the silence of that room where there is no trace of sun. Caen
bottles of aspirin, cough syrup and alprazolam .

I examine the glass of water resting on your nightstand, combined smells to Tramal, medicine for severe pain. Maybe it hurt too much soul, he decided to pass up as in the past tried to do. I read the prescription that the cost was and said

" Miss Issy just relax and be better." Natalia

baffles me, I get dizzy and fall.
I open my eyes, I stretch and hit me on my bedside table, almost The glass buttons medicine was drinking, but I forgot.

I take my teddy bear and falls open a bottle of aspirin along with a cough syrup, but this is sealed.

stretch my fingers and palms of my hands hurt, my nails had hurt me, not much blood, it is superficial and will disappear like the original dream, I think. I

the bathroom, I'm barefoot, I mean, but the ground is frozen, or is that reality is too cold.

I look in the mirror, I wash my face to wipe away the tears that dried there. Saco
toilet paper right pocket of my pants, drop a plate alprazolam where missing two pills, I look at the pick, I dry my face.

I keep the pills, I leave the bathroom and with a smile greeted the visit he arrived.
Written, July 14, 2009.


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