Friday, April 23, 2010

What Stores Do Layaways

Talk? Meeting

Continued "surprise find"

.. Why should we talk, it would speak to the boy knew nothing for some time, but was While I wanted more was the time I spent with him, or indeed perhaps the most was the time I walked in love with him.

I felt my eyes widened tremendously, but I should not really move me much. At the end of the day he was. But I still remember the chill that ran through my body, because despite taking a sip of coffee while this story, I tremble cold feet through my body at him so close.

The same guy who had a long relationship, which was not exactly the best. The same dreamer with which I played endlessly, the same promise, it promises not fulfilled completely, the same child who once ran his fingers over my face, wiping a tear, the same idiot that sometimes caused. He was holding my hand asking me to talk and I did not stop him, just let me go.

What shock?, Please that conversation and you had a million and one times!, ONE MILLION!. But since you're so silly sometimes did ignore this sentence around your head. I looked and walked to the yellow bench is half a block from your house, you sat at one end of it, outside of that white pharmacy had already closed, while he stood hesitating. It was funny seeing

nervous to see who was always so sure of himself, whom I criticized for the insecurity that I was not afraid to show who attacked my priorities, but who loved that I'll be as close to my family and some of my principles, he hated NO for an answer but in the end admitted that he loved my NO when he said: "let's go and leave everything."

That boy adventurer, vital, that kid a little shy at first, that sweet boy, renegón, the rebel who commanded all to hell when he wanted, he almost always talked about that did not care about others. He was hesitating in front of me. He was trying to say something, and did not know where to start.

sentences without meaning, without any connection, came from his lips. Commented as he had changed, that almost did not recognize me, my hair had grown, I do not see any piercing or wick fuxia, spoke of our mutual friends, etc. I only heard what he said, because he was run over by talking, walking from side to side, hands in his pockets until he sat at the other end of the bench.

gave a strong breath, I looked and said it's late, I go, I have things to do tomorrow morning. Do not know why I lied, I had classes the next day was not up early, I had nothing left, just invaded my fear of words acontinuación could continue after that sigh.

Ptm, do not go .. please, I said. Please? He could not use that term, did not know I could not believe what he heard while he sat closer no I could stop staring at his black eyes and neither backed off when he told me stay, I need you, need to talk.

hugged me stronger than ever, I could not hold back, he reciprocated the hug, and with trembling voice told him what happens, maybe you're wrong?, You know you can count on me.

released another sigh, I looked into her eyes and I said okay I'll tell everything at once, or at least will try.

I was stupid, my face turned away a couple of inches, I looked a bit and listened carefully ....


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