Friday, March 25, 2011

Kidney Stones In Cats

Cajabanc: bank mergers views with humor

Today is Friday so a little humor does not hurt. In this case the protagonist is the banking sector. Mergers of banks and banks are the order of the day in a troubled financial system.

Here goes:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Martingale Roulette Illegal


Pokemon Deluge Strongest Attacks

Scientist "or you sink?

With Arantxa de La Fuente via Facebook discover this video entitled The Lorenzo bucket. Little more to say. In a book to publish soon pick the words of Helen Keller (1880-1968) who in the world where I live (1910) writes: "The world is full of suffering, but full of people who have won their fight and discovered something valuable. " Keller was left blind and deaf shortly after birth, and with the help of her governess, Anne Sullivan, she learned to write, read and communicate. She went to Radcliffe College and graduated with honors. He published his first book in 1902 under the title The story of my life and was a prominent political activist. Always a positive spirit faced setbacks he lived as a motivation for personal development. Many times we talked about characters who have to manage very difficult situations out gracefully: Nick Vujicic (see post: Are you in pain? ) and Liu Wei (see post: Do you fight or you give up? ).

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Does Ragazza Omosessuale Mean

Valentino couture essence

On Monday we talked about Agatha: 30 years in fashion and Tuesday Tous: the fusion of jewelry and fashion. Since we are in this sector, today I want to talk about Valentino , business and haute couture designer who once said: Everybody asks me about the future of haute couture, and I always reply that will never disappear because it is so important. Yes, it's not like before. I remember there were customers who ordered 30 models at once. Now, if someone in charge five, is actually a billionaire. It's different, but high fashion is such a beautiful sight that will never end. "

also some time ago I was with Michele Norsa , CEO of the company by then and right hand in the management Valentino . He was booked when the company went through a bad time, because high fashion firms have always been focused on building management aside. also why he was born a few years ago ISEM Fashion Business School, which Covadonga O'Shea is President with whom I could also talk in the wake of his book So Amancio Ortega: The man who created and Zara already realized here

I leave the interview with Michele Norsa, Valentino CEO would sign shortly after by Salvatore Ferragamo, another Italian firm reference. That interview was titled: "Michele Norsa, Valentino's business face."

ALCAIDE FRANCISCO: Valentino is a company which in 2002 was in the red and now makes a profit, despite the delicate situation was going through at that time and the environment not conducive to luxury brands. What are the pillars of this administration to succeed? MICHELE
NORSAR: When we started to prepare the strategic plan Valentino knew very well the company and the moment that passed through the market. We left a difficult situation after the attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and on the other hand, the luxury market began to slow after a decade of strong growth. Therefore, the first thing we did was design a strategic plan that would respect the laws of the market with a conservative risk profile. Competition, however, began ambitious expansion plans with the opening of many stores, large and in many places they have been unable to capitalize. Even today there are brands such as Yves Saint Laurent continuing losses.

The second aspect is more important than planning is execution. Most businesses have good strategic plans, including Valentino before you buy us, but the key is having the right people to run as planned. This requires that there is a strong permanent tension. When I came to the company people would come at ten o'clock in the morning and I began to convene meetings at seven o'clock. Some executives left because they could not keep up.

was also important to reduce costs, but always smart, high fashion because there are elements of image and communication can not be neglected. It tried to find a more efficient organizational structure without damaging the brand image.

FA: Many managers we confess that the organizations they admire most are characterized by their culture, this group of values, principles and beliefs that are implicit in the organization who are a potent regulator of behavior people. What are the values \u200b\u200bbehind is the corporate culture of Valentino Fashion Group?
MN: Strong results orientation at all levels, something that has not been customary fashion industry and is changing the way we work. Most people were not accustomed to working on a budget. A parade would cost between 500,000 to 700,000 euros, but increased by 20% at the last minute because they asked for four more models, other lights or a dog. Now I have no need to talk, the structure knows that it must operate within budget and that is why you can not go. Something similar happened with the gifts. When I entered had lost $ 350,000 in dresses that had disappeared. Are given to the actresses, not returned, etc.. Now things are different. The other day I called because Valentino wanted to give a dress a princess future queen, and there was, but always in control and sense. Another aspect to highlight about our culture is very entrepreneurial attitude by everyone. What we lack, however, is working better together. This strong focus on results has led to a big competition.

FA: He said once that "Valentino is 50% creativity and 50% business management." It is not always easy to reconcile the two variables. If I had to choose, would opt for a good product or good management?

MN: When we bought the company with the creativity of Valentino was very good, but overly dependent on him and the company was not working. Today the organization operates and about Valentino, there are 45 people working in the creative end. This has two consequences. First, Valentino works more liberated and can create more and better quality. Second, the final consumer buys products in which the image is Valentino, but many people involved in the process of creation.

FA: You said: "This is a very complex business and it cost us a lot of work to find people trained to handle it. We have a serious problem of lack of management. The sector requires many specific skills and flexibility. " Why should this shortfall and what are the competencies and skills in demand?
MN: In the world of fashion in the last twenty years there has been a substantial change. We've gone from a business model in which the operator did everything (drawing, design shop ...) to a more complex business model with diversified functions. Luxury fashion, retail, direct store, represent over 50% of sales as a direct channel, however, there is little experience in senior management because companies who have experience in retail are other lower level, while in the luxury sector is more recent history and plenty of people who have that expertise. In addition, globalization is a reality in this sector. Previously, luxury fashion was addressed to the United States, major European economies and Japan. We have gone from selling in 15-20 markets to sell at 70-80, and new markets are a totally different issue. Working with Russians, Arabs and Asians is different from working with cultures that are more accustomed, and there are few people who know these markets, which speaks several languages \u200b\u200band have great flexibility.

FA: According to JP Kotter, a Harvard professor, "only 20% of the current directors who manage the companies have talented leaders," and other papers, said that "if companies have the opportunity again, again only recruit 62% of their managers. " After a long career in senior management and an industry as complicated. What are the most important qualities to be met by a manager-leader?
MN: That's interesting. In our group we have people with great technical competence but lack leadership skills. I think this is related with the lifestyles of each individual. There are many people who think something interesting work, have a great professional, but do not want you to eat a too much of his life. However, in positions requiring a much stronger commitment. I on Saturday or Sunday call people at any time. This has a double meaning: it is a form of pressure, but also a form of attention. Leadership in business and, especially, in situations of tension, stress, high growth and losses, it is essential to generate power on the computer because it shrinks to the difficulties

FA: What is the most difficult to occupy positions of responsibility?
MN: The loneliness. On the one hand, the CEO of a company has a limited relationship with shareholders, and secondly, if you have a company in a situation of tension is difficult to have an open exchange with partners, so that ultimately you have to take decisions and face the problems alone, and that adds greater psychological pressure.

FA: Before you told us that the implementation of a strategic plan is more important than the plan itself, in fact, some studies show that only 10% of the strategies are implemented successfully. What are the guidelines for implementing a strategic plan to be effective?
MN: When you design a strategic plan needs the resources and autonomy to carry it out quickly and a decision-making. Any plan to run poorly or run well, but slowly, fails. Running time is very important. On the other hand, the power means to have autonomy to manage an organization. The limits on the company should be but always respecting the autonomy of the manager. For example, the investment I can make is a clear boundary, but if I make that investment all in one month or at different times of the year is a decision that I I can run independently. Take swift decisions without a lengthy formal process helps tremendously to the results of the company. A decision process that dilate much is a symptom of lack of power steering and is a significant weakness.

FA: Peter F. Drucker said that "60 percent of business problems are the result of miscommunication." What is your opinion?
MN: I totally agree. One of the key is communication Valentino. Communication is a two-edged sword because they often made mistakes, misunderstandings, etc, but with a highly qualified consumer is important for the evolution of the brand comes to market. There are brands that evolve and others regress, there are brands that age and other rejuvenating, and this is communicated through advertising and, above all, with the products. With regard to internal communication I think we have to improve. We have focused more on external communication and we have forgotten a bit of internal communication. In large companies internal communication is quite limited.

FA: Michael Porter said: "75% of companies do not have a strategy and simply copy their competitors. If all pursue the same objective, the companies end to resemble more and then the customer choose based on price. Success does not happen to be the best but be different. "Do companies that innovate and simply copy will not survive long term?
MN: In the case of luxury brands is one of the most differential between them and other firms. At the product level is a continuous innovation. I think there is possibility to copy, and I think intelligent, commercial strategies and market, because we must try to be unique but never make strategic decisions upstream. If all large firms have a store on Calle Ortega y Gasset makes no sense to open it in Velázquez. What is important is to have a benchmark with which to compare yourself to, for example, Valentino is Chanel, a brand with similar prices and similar market penetration. This helps me do things similar or different but always with a reference. There are small companies trying to innovate and fail completely, because there are strategies that must be respected and you can not leave, in addition, globalization of the world to do things in a certain order, the luxury consumers often go to certain areas of the world for reasons of branding, security, environment, and you can not try to move to other areas.

FA: What do you value when to select its employees?
MN: Right now what I value most is the open-mindedness, people open to the markets, systems and the world to try to have the best knowledge of competitors, business, everything in general, and two commitment to the project as if it were a part of his personal life. Often lack love and passion in what you do and that involves personal sacrifice. If you work a lot but no taste, work activity becomes a burden and the result is suffering.

FA: To Michele finish. Tell us a sentence or a quote that reflects your philosophy of life.
MN: One of Winston Churchill: "I realize that if I get up very early in the morning, work all day and go to bed late, luck is with me."

* To see the full story at: Michele Norsa: Valentino face business.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monoculars In Bourne Ultimatum

Tous: the fusion of fashion jewelry and

yesterday's post Agatha Ruiz de la Prada: 30 years in fashion , talked about the three decades of the English designer at the foot of the canyon. And since we're talking about fashion, I would also like another firm today to speak English reference in the international arena: TOUS . Also a few years ago I was in Manresa (Barcelona) Salvador Tous chatting about the interesting business model: past, present and future. Here you only part of the conversation and later I leave the link to read full.

ALCAIDE FRANCISCO: Tous has become a reference brand well known English international level with presence in over 30 countries. What are the factors that explain this success?
SALVADOR TOUS: First, we are a company that has bet very heavily on the design, but by design "useful and rational." We try to do things with a pretty design but are comfortable and pleasant to carry, and with features that allow to use a long time.

Second, we have always been very customer oriented. Our home is a small shop where we always knew very well what our customer wanted. We tried that in all our stores to apply this philosophy in response to the client as it deserves. This is a common discourse in all companies, but another thing to prove. There are organizations that preach the "customer care" and not really worry or care or the client. When you paid you forget. We translate implemented. Any customer who buys a product Tous may return at any store and is paid the exact price. In addition, we can bring to repair, renovate or repolish our pieces many times as desired. This is easily said and much more difficult to prove. Every year approximately 200,000 repairs performed. Of this amount only charge 18% and 82% are free. When you start with two stores this is not a big problem. Today, with over 250 stores in 30 countries, the situation is more complex. We have over 30 full-time people working on repairs that pose a high cost. Nevertheless, our philosophy is to serve the customer and consider as a cost.

Third, we stress that we have been very lucky: we were in the right place at the right time. The fourth factor is that we have never been successfully raised the head. Every day, ourselves, the founders, at the foot of the canyon are wondering what we do wrong, where we can improve or what to change. Is a constant exercise and tired of continuous improvement. The important thing about business is not standing still. Complacency is dangerous.

FA: What are the major strategic challenges facing Tous over the coming years?
ST: There are two major challenges: one professional and one personal level. A professional level our main challenge is to maintain the pace of growth we had in the last ten years, around 40% per annum on average. This target does not respond to an economic ambition but to a motivation of our staff. The average age of the workforce over twenty years. They are very young to feel the spirit of the company and wants to participate in a winning organization. When they need extra effort everyone is ready for anything. There is a fantastic spirit and growth offers many advantages: better visibility, better costs, and more motivator for people because he sees that has development potential and realization. Our policy of internal promotion is very pronounced. Apprentice who enters can move up. Three years ago in central Manresa were 100 people and now we are more than 200. Companies do not make the gurus but hard worker everyday.

The personal challenge is to prepare timely and I left my wife and our daughters are involved in business management more professional as possible. The problem of family businesses is always the same: the transfer of powers. The whole process should plan it very well. However, in our case we have a advantage. My wife and I married very young and we had our four daughters very young, so all are working for the company between ten and fifteen years. The transition process is consolidated.

FA: What are the main threats that exist for the brand, its growth and implementation of strategic milestones?
ST: On the professional level, the main drawback would be that someone we believed us. That takes you to complacency. Occurs or not depends on us, so if you know what should not happen. In addition, there may be threats in the environment, but I am worried plus internal and external. When there is a cake everyone wants to eat but if you have seat, fork and table, you have easier. What we do is not to fit. On a personal level, the threats would come from any family disagreements that might arise. In this section we do not believe that no problem occurs.

FA: What is the type of clientele Tous? Can target by certain criteria? What are the differences between national and international client?
ST: We say we have a clientele of young spirit. We sell jewelry that does not coincide with the traditional doctrine Jewelry and also includes additions to our range can also be found in a normal jewelry, therefore, we need people with an open mind.

respect to age, the clientele is varied. There are many girls, ages 6 and 9, who ask their parents to buy some of Tous. Interestingly, those who have brought more customers to our stores are girls then when they get older still our client.

By market differences. Tous Latin America is positioned in a higher segment than in Spain. In Mexico, for example, our competitors are large signatures. In America we must be in the same segment as Spain. And in Japan, a very small market for us, we are positioned in a lower segment.

FA: The concept of "Fashion Jewelry" have diversified into other business areas to expand its range of products. Do they have designed new market niches in which to enter? ST
: All brand extensions must have a logic and rationale. When you diversify your business to other areas you can improve billing, but you lose identity and this must be looked after. We are now closing more business by opening lines. We want to focus heavily on our core business is jewelry, along with handbags, leather goods, perfumes and sunglasses then.

FA: How important is it for Tous marketing and communication and what strategies used when launching new collections or create new business areas so that the brand impact is high and lasts the memory on the client?
ST: In our case is very important. This is a continuing cause impacts. We spend a lot of money on media. We make one or two performances each year in Madrid and Barcelona to press. We work with a celebrity. We did not invent nothing. We do the most, but probably not many jewelry brands that have done so many things. Recently held a party in Mexico to celebrate five years in the country. 2,000 invitations were sent, were finally confirmed 900 and 1,300 people. He had a remarkable social impact. Every two years we do an event outside of Spain and each year one or two in Spain. If you do not move do not go in the photo.

FA: Any biography of success is littered with obstacles and difficult circumstances. What have been the most difficult moments in the history of Tous and how to manage that process?
ST: hindsight is always possible to make an accurate analysis of the trip and see what needed to be done. At that time toreamos the situation as we could. There are two particularly delicate moment in the history of Toussaint, one emotional and other emotional and economic. The first difficult moment was when we had three stores (Manresa, Lleida and Barcelona) and saw the possibility of many others. We are not managers but shopkeepers. If you take three stores and it seemed complicated, and still have over many other widely dispersed geographically. We said, "God let us go and hand out lucky."

Another moment
sensitivity was about ten years ago with international growth. We saw Spain in five years we decided to stay small and out to conquer the foreign market. We made a mistake in the book: go for the top three world markets: U.S., Germany and Japan. We went to these countries thinking that we would do any good. We crashed. It was a disaster. We caused major economic damage, but above all, moral and confidence. You start to ask questions and question many things. We closed the shop and kept the United States from Germany and Japan.

Then, with the perspective that gives the time, come back to pick up spirits. After the time we came to see a English based in Santo Domingo to consider the possibility of opening a store there. So we did and it was a success. From that experience we began to grow in South America and in every country that we have opened a store's success has been remarkable. After consolidating the market of Central and South America had yet. Five years ago re-opened but this time in Miami, where he has gone well.

FA: What are the factors behind the success across the Atlantic?

ST: brand awareness. In Santo Domingo the book's primary women's magazine "Hello." Throughout South America, except Brazil, reads a lot what comes from Spain. Is not the same to get to a place where everybody knows you than another where you're a stranger.

FA: What is the situation in the European market to open new stores?

S. T: Europe is saturated. We are now going to open a second store in Paris bigger but with the objective to serve as a showcase for position in Japan, our second pending. The Japanese who come to Europe goes to Paris, secure, in Milan, probably, to London, not so likely, and Madrid, where you have time. Paris is the European Centre for the Nipponese.

FA: What about Russia and China?

ST: There are two markets with a great future. Regarding China, we are in it. We have 3 stores in Hong Kong and 2 in Shanghai, although the dimensions of the Chinese market does not mean much. However, we want to grow slowly. Russia is another very interesting market, although we have not found any partner in the country that gives us credibility and reliability and must sell our products.

FA: Why are these markets attractive?
ST: With China and Russia happens same with South America. South American countries with a population of around 400 million inhabitants. For 300 million your problem is survival, there are 80 million who have extra money, and 20 million very rich. The business is in those 100 million people. In China and Russia is the same. There is an elite with money. Moreover, in both countries there is another attraction. Most brands work with licensees, which means that their presence is still limited. Are in short supply. In London or Paris is very difficult to compete. For every buyer there are seven deals in the luxury sector. However, the presence of big brands, such as in Brazil, is testimonial.

FA: What is the level of competition that has Tous and how they cope with this competition?
ST: The competition does not take away the dream. The sun shines for everyone. Everyone has to struggle and develop as you can. If you live too obsessed with competition, the final mimic their products and lose opportunities to do things themselves. Moreover, in many cases, when you are too conscious of competition, the first temptation is to try to fight and I think that price is not good.

FA: The trademark counterfeiting is one of the evils for the industry and creativity that is important for losses companies. How can you fight it and how you see the future?
ST: There are two readings. The first is that if you imitate not exist. The copy you is rewarding and opens a big market. The second is that we must fight with every weapon to end this scourge. Last year we allocate more than 600,000 euros to this topic. Fortunately, the laws in the EU, mainly due to pressure from big firms-has changed and today, more than 90% of cases, judgments are right on the mark imposed harsher penalties for offenders. Each day the fight against counterfeiting works best.

* The interview and complete description of the business model you can read it on the following link .

* Today's Blog Soccer Phenomenon Phenomena, the stunning new Adidas notice.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Inspirational Messages To Latino Women

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada: 30 years in fashion

designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada marks 30 years in the fashion world. The daily El Mundo devoted a report with the title: 30 years in the fashion world .

Some years ago I was in the studio and company Agatha Ruiz de la Prada chatting both she and the Director General, Fernando Aguirre, about fashion, business and management. The holder of that interview was: "It's wonderful when you find someone who fits your project, that's priceless." And other phrases that I noted from that meeting were: "Never look at the CVs of the candidates" or "I've always done what I liked and tried to do my best and if you act like you run out of things going well."

I leave you a summary of that conversation and the rest of the interview you can see in the following link :

ALCAIDE FRANCISCO: Agatha is now a firm international presence in more than one hundred countries. What are the keys to that success?
AGATHA RUIZ DE LA PRADA: One is that my design is easily recognizable, another is that we are a very small company and that makes every aspect of management control much. We have spent many years bad from the economic point of view (though I've had a great time and I've been just as happy selling very little). As I am accustomed to live in hardship, I am working with a chip that saves everything. Rarely in business we are asking for all different budgets and analyzed in detail. For example, other designers when they go to Paris hire a driver, I catch the metro, but as a natural thing, I do not poses no trauma. All these things make the business work.

FERNANDO AGUIRRE: Agatha for me is something that no designer has: Design. Agatha invented a model and said: I am only a designer, and managed to convince (something that Spain is very difficult because there was no great faith in the English design or wanted to change) into a series of business, to buy these ideas and factories and circulated as Agatha the intended. There were people who trusted and put the money to carry out those ideas. It was a clever way start and that time has proven successful.

FA: You're a little "accidental entrepreneur." He once said: "The truth is that I never considered myself an entrepreneur. Rather long seemed the antiempresaria, in the sense of what really interested me was to create." After many years of career, what is the least and you like the commercial world?
ARP: I have always liked me and I've tried to do my best and if you act like things just work out well. I do not think anything business, but to name a few things I do not like owing money anyone try always be people being happy with my work and being honest. Then I think I have enough common sense, tried to introduce into all the details and pass it to my computer.

FA: Agatha has been an entrepreneur for his ability to take risks. When things started to go well, is not resting on our laurels, began to grow out without conforming. In addition, growth has been step by step, without rushing. First store in Paris, then Milan and later in New York, when each of them and was working.

ARP: Everything takes time. Some people say, I open a store and I earn much money, and it is not. Moreover, our growth is self-funded. When I started I had to resort to the banks and I am horrified ... All the money is reinvested in my business.

FA: In our conversations with management specialists, often repeating the selection of staff is the most critical and important function of RR. HH. What do you most value in their employees and what they endure worse?

ARP: The most work has given me in my life by far are the collaborators. Many people do not fit and you get bored of a test and another, by Otherwise, it's wonderful when you find someone who fits your project, that's priceless. Never look at the curriculum of the candidate. People are known to work, that is the best proof of the possibilities of a person. However, one thing I treasure is a good education. I prefer a well-educated person to another with eight masters. On the other hand, today there are people with a background of relevant but suffer from other series that are essential skills, for example, know how to catch a call. I think it's important to start working young man and learn how to work. I always say I want to go to college Amancio Ortega.

FA: We seek to open people, who likes culture, art trends (not just fashion) ... In short, an educated person, educated, concerned and in a spirit of austerity.

FA: Visiting your study have verified that everything is connected and interrelated: the area of \u200b\u200bdesign, workshop, office ... This facilitates communication is one of the key issues for the business world.
ARP: Yes, that is fine and makes a big difference. You know what people are doing at all times and better control. You can jump from side to side continuously. It also helps that all the world knows a little about what others.

FA: Once you said: "My problem is that I very badly organized, produce many ideas, but another thing is that they are well served, packaged, distributed." Is not that one of the keys to creativity, a certain disorder and chaos, because creativity needs space and freedom to manifest and can not have limits too strict?
ARP: No creativity has nothing to do with the organization. Can be very creative with a spectacular organization. One example is Apple. The same is true .. Swatch or Camper Are organizations that have both great design and a great organization.

FA: You also said: "I'm not a designer who makes dresses everyone dares to be, but people trying to put different things. For years you find a huge opposition by many, because people does not like change, but then everything changes and is a joy. " Has sailed upstream in addition to strong opposition from many areas. How have you managed these external difficulties added?
ARP: What designer has the opposition that I have? None. Nor is the fashion press has helped me. But that it is a "threat" is also an "opportunity" at the same time as it does not you settle. The enemy is always close to me what makes me smart. The enemies in the end, always helps you. If it had been complacent I had not left Spain. When I left, I had to find life and I have been good to get ahead.

FA: Every time we talk over feminine side of organizations. Alicia Kauffman says the woman leads from the heart and the man from the right . The heart is red, inclusion and affection. The reason is linear, exclusion and logic. And the profile seems more appropriate to address at a time as we live. Paulo Coelho stated that the twenty-first century be the century of the feminization of male . Do you think that women have qualities necessary for leadership positions?
FA: I think every time you have to take more account of male and female person. Every man has a feminine side and every woman a masculine side. There are men who have a huge sensitivity and there are women who have a well developed male part. What is important is that we must handle with sensitivity. There are values \u200b\u200bthat society increasingly has more in mind.

ARP: I helped a lot to live very closely and with great intensity the current economic, political and social, typically male, because it gives you a chance to know how things work.

FA: Finally Agatha. Tell us a phrase or quote that reflects your philosophy of life:
ARP: One of Camilo José Cela, "He who resists, wins." And then as a philosophy of life seems key to enjoying your job. I love what I do. To me the site that I enjoy the world, more than a party or anything else, my study. There are always problems, obviously, but the trouble after all they are fun.

* You can read more about the designer in the book of Dolors Massot: Agatha Ruiz de la Prada .

* Today I leave an interview Gaizka Mendieta Learn in Sport (@ aprendeldeporte) and The 10 most incredible stories Twitter (@ davidcantone).

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Can Hiv Live On Needle For Sewing


Spouse Weddind Dance Mount And Blade

Tribute to bloggers / twitterers (48): Virginio Gallardo

New edition of Homage to bloggers, this time with Virginio Gallardo (@ virginiog). As he says, "I always talk about change that I am extremely boring and flat. I have always done so despite having gone through some multinationals in the sector. My profession: managing people (called HR) in changing environments and promote innovation as a mechanism for organizational transformation. "

Here are the questions and answers:

1. One lesson that life taught you: How we change. Today I am not like that years ago, and probably in the future will not be like I am now.

2. A lesson that has taught the professional world: how high you can always fall and vice versa.

3. A lesson that has taught the world of training: Always be an apprentice.

4. A lesson you have taught the world of internet / blogs / social networks: There is much talent in anonymous.

5. What do you like the world 2.0.: amplifies the best of the people and generosity.

6. What do you dislike the world 2.0.: amplifies the worst and be a social panopticon, a place where you will not you can know who is watching you, a new form of social control.

7. Defined by a phrase the world we live in: a very uncertain world and so exciting.

8. What I miss most in society: Solidarity with those who go really wrong.

9. Attribute value most about a person: Humility.

10. Thing we endure in a person: That harm to others.

11. A word of advice you would give to young people: prepare for forget and reinvent themselves.

12. The greatest enemy of man is: man.

13. The greatest ally of man is: man.

14. A film that you recommend and why: The film struck me was Blade Runner (1982), Ridley Scott. Most recent: Matrix , Avatar ... Help me to weigh on the role of people in the future.

15. A book that you recommend and why: A serious book Emotional Intelligence, based on the technical level you have there are different books. But they are useful concepts for the entire world that can be happier and have more adaptation to professional and personal.

16. A restaurant that you recommend and why: restaurant Monastery of Sant Llorenç del Munt , because it implies that you have uploaded a beautiful mountain.

17. A food: bread crumbs and flour products Iberian Marquis (Granada) are memories of my childhood.

18. A song that you recommend and why: I like Nordic metal groups, his lyrics help me think: Epica, Within Temptation, ... Nemo Nigthwish propose especially sung by Tarja Turunen (who sings opera and has an impressive voice)

19. A city that you recommend to go visit and why: Any Asian megacity, to detect trends of what will be our future. Usually impress the cultural contrast, learn, ..

20. A city that you recommend to live and why: Any English city with a certain size: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Victoria, Sevilla .. Maybe some French or Latin America: Santiago de Chile, Monterey .. Why: Quality of life, climate, cuisine, language, ..

21. What you like best about Spain and English: I do not like classifying people by country. Spain is a state that has been modernizing fast institutionally and socially.

22. What you dislike about Spain and English: Lack of leadership social / political, but I do not think that is unique to Spain.

23. Which historical figure would you like to share and present a "heads up"
- Historical Jesus Christ.
- Actual: Obama.

24. The man is good by nature (Rousseau) and The Man is a wolf to man (Hobbes)?: Both are correct depends on the man.

25. Does life have meaning or not?: Our main mission is to find it.

26. Is there real friendship or just friendly substitutes?: can be true friends. I guess it's to much for a lot. That is difficult.

27. The world is changing for the better, worse or is the same as centuries ago: Evolve spiritually I think better, but the material conditions of life certainly improve.

28. What is success for you?: plenty of sleep each night knowing you've done something interesting, sense of having lived.

29. What is wisdom for you?: Knowing what is success, not to be confused.

30. How do you see the death from your shoes?: is a topic somewhat childish, but I do not think the obvious.

31. Is life great or, perhaps, as Huxley said, is hell on other planets? can be wonderful or hell. Almost always depends on how you want her.

32. A good leader is distinguished by: serve others.

33. A good employee is distinguished by: their professionalism, which almost always involves having fun with your job (life is too short to motivate you into something you do not like).

34. A leading reference for you: are usually anonymous people who give a lot without expecting anything in return: heads of hospital units, SME entrepreneurs of small ...

35. If you were Prime Minister, the first decision you would take: would make deep reforms in the Civil Service (HR groups), it is technically easy and clear, the impact on profitability would be very high, greatly influence the country's competitiveness and most importantly dignify would get more public.

36. A hobby: the mountain.

37. Main feature of your character that defines you: record.

38. Feature in the one you like better: be more empathetic.

39. Which blogger would you like invitásemos this tribute and why: Manuel Gross (@ manuelgross) with his thought Imaginactivo from Chile is one of the more rigorously people is helped change the business culture and this I deserves enormous respect. It is a basic social need to create wealth and happiness.

40. A phrase / quote that reflects your philosophy of life: Allow wrong (if not wrong is that something does not do well)

41. A dream that you would like to see done: Our business: Humannova. Societal values \u200b\u200bthat projects are social and business success.

42. Blogs-Web / Twitter: / @ virginiog.

43. Publications (books / ebooks): L'Europe de la diversité, transformational leadership , Prospectives for the future: Catalunya 2010, ..

* On Wednesday March 23 is the Presentation of "Watercolor traveling" of GeoPlaneta and Lonely Planet.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cervical Lordotic Loss

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man I

With Begoña Gamonal (@ gamonalb) I find this video entitled: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man with starring John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Nothing we do not know but it should be recalled. Woody Allen said that "man exploits man but sometimes the opposite happens." The mechanism for world domination is debt and corruption. The story I stay in one sentence: "Today there is more slavery that has ever been at any other time in history." And also: "Governments are invisible. Is corporatocracy which implements the policies. "

John Adams (1735-1826). Said:" There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation with the sword, and with debt. "And leave a post here on this matter entitled: What, how to create and what is the money? Goethe said: "Nobody is more slave than he who falsely believes free." Here's the video of 10 minutes (2 parts) which is waste:

Part 1 / 2

Part 2 / 2

* Other works by John Perkins are

- Manipulated: a gangster economic reveals why the world economy has collapsed and what to do to remake .
- The Secret History of the American empire: economic gangsters, murderers for hire and the whole truth about global corruption .

* From now on the Menu tab you can find Recommendations, which shows a list of books read in the last year that I found interesting.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is Jeffree Star Neuter

Presentation Paper on International Symposium Javier Fernández Aguado

The March 22, at 18:00, will take place in the EOI submission the book published on the International Symposium I thought Javier Fernández Aguado, in which different professionals-managers participated, thinkers, teachers, consultants at different panels ...- The voice of the experts directors and partners, and realized here on several occasions. My statement at that event was smart Entrepreneurship. We also made the digital version of the talks (ebook) and some video about it.

The book is presented, published Observatory for HR compiling the papers, interviews, essays, etc. prepared on the occasion of the IFEMA congress in the February 25, 2010, attended by over 600 professionals from a dozen countries in Europe and America. Speakers were 20 of the most outstanding professionals in the contemporary Management.

The book launch will take place at 18:00 in the Auditorium of the EOI (Gregorio del Amo, 6 / Madrid) will be interventions of the book editor Teresa Sáenz Blanco, director of HR Monitoring Other speakers: José Lozano, president of AEFOL, Eugenio de Andrés, managing partner of Tatum, Joaquín Oset, Director of Human Capital Group and Director of Sounion Gesfor and Javier Fernández Aguado himself.

Professor Fernández Aguado, Professor, Managing Partner of MindValue and member of the exclusive club of thinkers Top Ten Management Spain has received the Peter Drucker Award for Innovation in Management (USA, 2008) . It is also the only English thinker on which Symposium has been made when in full production. He has published over thirty books alone, and published over two hundred books and essays analyzing his thought, including various theses.

The book, elegantly edited, has been sponsored by Stock-SFB Financial Software, Eloge, la Caixa and Hune.

Those interested can register at the following link .

* Blog Today in English for the World, Pedro Medina writes about Living in London: the Red Nose Day on St. Patrick's Day in London.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Womens Menstaton Pads Pctures

consumer Revenge

are many phrases that speak of reckoning: "What goes around, they take them" "We Arrieritos and the way we find, "or" each pig has its day Martin.

After As do the easy and difficult A simple administrative formality, which became reference to the bureaucracy and difficulties relate to the Civil Service, our friend Pedja of there in the lighthouse at the end of the world , said: "I do not want to be identified with bureaucratic governance and private management effectiveness or efficiency. Everywhere they boil beans. And everywhere there are lights and shadows. It's like saying that there are always queues Cajamadrid or is easy to see from Telefónica low or Canal Plus. Are generalizations. Private enterprises can go crazy to the client (low cost airlines, insurance ...) and staff can do much good. "

reason has Pedja
Many banks, airlines, insurance, telephone .. . are private entities that collect a lot of complaints, many of them related to the customer. For this reason, in Belgium, a consumer group prepared their particular vengeance. In front of the entrance of a telephone company, posted first thing am a container preventing the passage of employees. The security guard company to arrive at their post and not to enter neither he nor the other employees called the alleged customer service of the containers which are actually the customers with their own vendetta . The rest of the story is better seen but it is something like what they spend to Asterix and Obelix in the house crazy. And there's nothing better than medicine itself prove to know what others feel in the same situation. That's called empathy. I leave this video humor, again courtesy of Carlos Vegas. Do not miss it. It is subtitled in English but is well understood.

* Today I leave two articles: cry Why not Japanese? Love and 2.0. .

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Word New Baby Arrival Cards

A simple administrative formality ration

few days ago we left the post How easy it very difficult to in which we referred to a short film to the difficulty of undertaking due to bureaucratic and administrative procedures. We have also spoken on other occasions on the same issue, pure and simple Bureaucracy and the Public Administration humor and for coffee.

Again, Carlos Vegas, I do get this great video that confirms everything and pointed. In this case the protagonists are Asterix and Obelix in A simple administrative formality included in the 12 tests. Here is the video (10 minutes) with no waste. More teaching impossible

Monday, March 14, 2011

Female Hemroid Symptoms?

Another interesting articles

hung a few weeks ago a post entitled One serving of articles where we discussed items interesting recent weeks. At other times we have posted articles to learn or Some interesting articles. Now I leave others I've read:

Liz Murray: The homeless who came to Harvard via @ cruzcoaching. "Do not let them know not to stand in what we do know to do." Good history of managing adversity.

The coincidences do not exist, de Borja Vilaseca. Interesting analysis about the differences between the why and wherefore. As Bob says, in this life, everything is their own causes. Self-reliance is the opposite of victimhood. We are what we sow. Address

José Luis Sampedro, after receiving the award of the Order of Arts and Letters. I'd go with: "The greatness of the human being in thought, especially free thought, because we are educated in that aspect wrong, introduced in our childhood dogmas. If there is no freedom of thought freedom is not fully human, and if not one can not be who he is, can not guide your inner compass. "

Leo Abbey, guardian of children billionaires. Interesting interview in The Contra (@ bbc) on how to treat those who "have paid 15 lives."

if we had little time? via @ jmbolivar. Excellent short film that goes to show that "we live life as if llevásemos one in the suitcase," he said Hemingway. We were wrong.

Do you know the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England? , via English throughout the world. Video interesting clarification on this issue we are not always clear.

100 women with digital talent via @ wellcomm. Taking advantage of the international women's day, here is a list of women active in social networks.

A sex book with blank pages becomes a success England, via @ manzanoperal. There is no time to develop initiatives and to succeed and make money because they put fashion. Just think of how unusual.

The most important thing a teacher is to convey the idea that you believe in the student . Excellent interview Saturnino de la Torre, professor of Curriculum and Educational Innovation in the UB in La Contra (@ bbc). Crafts

curious ... beds as heater, via El Mundo. Curious story which discusses some types of jobs peculiarities, one bed heater or pigeon repeller.

The phone is so key as the manager via @ cxestal. We often forget that the image of a company are its top executives but who are on site.

The digital publishing industry in the world. Interesting analysis of self-publishing, ebooks and dissemination. Literary alternatives that expand the book market. Exercise

unexcused via @ cxestal. Doing sport ensures better old age. The challenge is to find enjoyable activities that do not park on the former.

5 Ways to get 20,000 views to your posts in Social Media Today. An interesting analysis on what generates traffic in reading blogs.

An elite pulling the strings in twitter in public. Very interesting article on how it meets the principle that a few (influencers) are those that move the world and the rest are followers. Superusers influential elite, 0.01% of the total, is responsible for half of messages are read from the network. Curriculum

augmented reality via @ palonso1981. The last to present your CV. Here seem to be trends. Everything changes.

London in 10 steps via @ Yoriento. I lived in London almost a year ago time. It is a magnificent city, exciting. Worth visiting and revisiting every so often. Here are some suggestions.

Applications to mount an online shop in Facebook, of @ juanmerodio. Interesting post to launch an online strategy, which is increasingly available to many individuals. John also writes in another post: Getting profitability of an online shop on Facebook .

The service customer: competitive advantage or disadvantage? of @ ferlopfer. Magnificent Fernando López Fernández post where he says that sometimes the service is a tool of mass destruction. "There are not many places (or five-star hotels) where the service falls short, at least in Spain. abounds normal.

Twitter asks step to television, via @ alberto_blanco . Good analysis of how slowly the big media need to reach the general public Through social network twitter.

Why are people so bored? , by @ martacolomina. An analysis with reference to Manuel Carballo which examines why this is such apathy.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Computer Embroidery Designs For Sarees

Tribute to bloggers / twitterers (47): Andrew F. Ortega Pérez

New edition Tribute to Bloggers, this time with Andrew F. Pérez Ortega, Private Label (@ marcapersonal) and author of Expertología and Personal Brand. Andrés F.

Pérez Ortega (Madrid, 1967) in Chemical Autonomous University of Madrid and an MBA from ICADE. During the past 15 years has held various positions as head of the international trading raw materials, products and services for companies such as Repsol, Quaker Oats, Carrefour, Lucent Technologies or the ONCE Group. It has also launched projects to open new markets and business in European countries and Latin America.

As Product Manager Mark White has launched more than five hundred consumer products. Some of them award-winning consumer magazines. Has participated in Telecommunications and Internet in the field of project management and electronic commerce.

is currently known for having developed and introduced in Spain the concept of Personal Branding and Personal Branding. Here are the questions and answers:

1. One lesson that life taught you: the end, much depends on what you do yourself.

2. A lesson that has taught the professional world: There is nothing safe or preset ... thankfully.

3. A lesson that has taught the world of training: Each course is unique and unpredictable. The same course can have radically different with two different audiences.

4. A lesson you have taught the world of internet / blogs / social networks: Who resists wins.

5. What do you like the world 2.0.: Size does not matter.

6. What do you dislike the world 2.0.: The progress of thought only in an environment that is supposed to develop diversity.

7. Defined by a phrase the world we live in: false security and tranquility fictitious. In the sense that once we abandon the controlled limits, we see that everything is much more savage.

8. What I miss most in society: may be a consequence of the answer to the first question, but do not miss anything less. I do not think it makes sense to complain about something beyond our control. And if we do something, stop complaining and do it.

9. Quality more A person's values: Do not ask many explanations.

10. Thing we endure in a person: To tell me I have to be or do.

11. A word of advice you would give to young people: Do not stop doing what they want because they think they are too young. When you want to do will be too old.

12. The greatest enemy of man is: What has over their shoulders.

13. The greatest ally of man is: What has over their shoulders.

14. A film that you recommend and why: El Manantial (1949), King Vidor. Howard Roark (Gary Cooper) is much more modern and radical than any that now boast of it. In the great scene following the closing argument of Howard Roark.

15. A book that you recommend and why: Universe, Isaac Asimov. At the end of the book you realize how little we care about your problems.

16. A restaurant that you recommend and why: Lanús Grill in Alicante. I love Argentina (Restaurants, that is).

17. A food: The omelette.

18. A song that you recommend and why: Love Of My Life (Queen). I think the most romantic song in the world. But in general any of Queen, ELO and Supertramp. Sorry, I was in the 80's.

19. A city that you recommend to go visit and why: Madrid. I think a big town. In every way.

20. A city that recommend to live and why: Alicante. It is not what you say beautiful, but is the perfect size and lived very well. If our politicians were effective at this point would be the California of Europe.

21. What you like best about Spain and English: realistic vision (perhaps exaggerated) of what happens.

22. What you dislike about Spain and English: The search for the trap, trick, shortcut.

23. Which historical figure would you like to share and present a "heads up"
- History: The first astronauts.
- Present: Every day I meet people with amazing stories anonymous. I doubt that anyone "known" to have things that bring very different from many with whom you come across every day.

24. The man is good by nature (Rousseau) and The Man is a wolf to man (Hobbes)?: I guess both. Some circumstances can make you jump the line that separates the two in both directions. What sets us apart is the place to draw that line.

25. Does life have meaning or not?: Depends on the day.

26. Is there real friendship or just friendly substitutes? : I think as with Rousseau and Hobbes. Depending on where you put the line. If it is impossible to know the position and velocity of a single electron, imagine how difficult it can be to predict the behavior of a person.

27. The world is changing for the better, worse or is the same as centuries ago: depends who you ask. But like I that answer now, I tell you I do not care. I have enough with mine.

28. What is success for you?: Here I do not like myself "mystic." I think one thing is happiness (something inside) and a success (outside). Upon the achievement of specific goals that depend on other (money, recognition, awards, love, ...) and that each has been previously established.

29. What is wisdom for you?: Being able to quickly reach the merits.

30. How do you see the death from your shoes?: Until a few months and I was suggesting. Now, I see one of those teachers telling you that you had completed the examination and left thee unanswered questions. I guess that this was the first to finish.

31. Is life great or, perhaps, as Huxley said, is hell on other planets?: guess the worst part is that is neither one thing nor another. That passes through it without feeling or suffering.

32. A good leader is distinguished by: Facilitating .

33. A good employee is distinguished by: Make .

34. A leading reference for you: Anyone who knows what she does but do not try to influence the emotions. I like the experts, not messiahs.

35. If you were Prime Minister, the first decision you would take: Resign.

36. A hobby: think while walking.

37. Main feature of your character that defines you: disagreed.

38. Feature in the one you like better: Patience.

39. Which blogger would you like invitásemos this tribute and why:
- Strategist. Does not usually occur with your name. He is the author of some of the best posts (And tweets) I have read in recent years.
- Sabela Churches. It is an incredible mix of sensitivity, objectivity, emprededurismo, and it is a good friend.
- Mertxe Pasamontes. Another intelligent woman, despite the redundancy.

40. A phrase / quote that reflects your philosophy of life: Almost any of Margaret Thatcher. For example: "If our only chance is to be equal, not a chance."

41. A dream that you would like to see done: Getting people are taken into account and not reduced to score, statistics or employee numbers.

42. Blogs-Web / Twitter: / @ marcapersonal.

43. Publications (books / ebooks): Personal Brand (ESIC). Expertología (breath). Collaborative books. Blogbook and employment Bloguía .

* On Sunday March 20 we will have a Virgin Gallardo (@ virginiog) of Directive Survival.
