Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wedding Toiletry Basket Poem

On several occasions we talked here about travel books. Some of them are traveling to countries Seven extraordinary , Travel to exotic South America , Letters From Earth , Boomerang and materialism always or The world on wheels, among others.

Today I speak to you Catch your dream (over 20,000 copies sold), a book of two Argentines, Candelaria and Herman Zapp Chovet, who decided to travel for six months (at the end took longer than 3 years) from the country of the Rio de la Plata to Alaska, through Euador, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, United States ...- uploaded in a 1928 Graham-Paige model but the various events of track gradually changed their plans. The journey began on January 25, 2000 and toured 23 countries at an average speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

As such, almost always the least are the places you visit and more importantly what happens along the way: people who know and live the experiences. I leave a few brief excerpts:


ARGENTINA. A few days after leaving a stop to repair the car, one of his countrymen with air ironically asked:

Why do it?
is our dream.

And Don Jose, the head of cocluye ironic: "A dream ... then listen to yourself, do not listen to this fool who knows nothing about dreams, if you ask opinion to others about your dreams, you'll hear a people who know how to live the lives of others, but has no idea of \u200b\u200bhow to live theirs. I only mention the buts. Just you and nobody but you know what you're capable of doing, and notice that they are the least the most critical. So if you criticize it is because something you are doing ...".


PERU. During a meeting with other Argentine travelers who walk the world takes the following conversation:

question: How long have you been traveling?
Gula (the other Argentine) answered: We leave for four months, did you?

Just two months. Where do they go?
We want to make Latin America, USA and Europe ...

How long calculated for such a journey?
not know, it is necessary

Herman reflects, "My life has always had time, I never imagined doing something taking me to this day as needed. One time, date, or at least an estimated time, always requires a guide or, rather, a limit."

And he adds: "Until very few thousand years mankind was nomadic. That was until a man came up to be sedentary. To others it seemed he was crazy, how would the be nomadic?'d give to know new places, new horizons? abandon the adventure of knowing other peoples? Despite the questions of others, he was choosing wake up every morning of his life in one place. Planted and harvested, animals procreated and no longer needed the game, he could only feed. While other men were added as were many and none were considered crazy. But other difficulties emerged: first, not everyone had access to water and yes, animals might have more and better crops. This created the gap between rich and poor. Then the land became the subject of dispute, and the people came to look elsewhere. So more towns were formed: those who were successful crop or extended storages and this brought suspicion and war. And for the wars soldiers were needed and someone to lead them: for thus emerged from among the richest, ls kings, who to dominate their peoples were defined as their protectors. They should go harvests and profits, because they needed to maintain armies and build their castles and walls. But why the castle's walls did not protect the homes of those who pay those taxes? And why, if the army was to defend the people, the king used to collect the taxes were getting high? Spent more years and more questions arose. And so we come to the XXI century ... nothing has changed except that a man came to be homeless. To others it seemed he was crazy: How would cease to be sedentary as were all others? "


ECUADOR. In a conversation with a fisherman

it's like to sail?
Sailing is risking life from the moment you leave the port. is entrusted to God, the Virgin, the sea, the wind, the boat ... Your life is not yours, you become a game of the sea: you're floating in the water timber a few hungry, full of sharks. What happens is not up to you: if the sea wants to return fish back with your family. Sailing is living on the edge danger but the rewards are great: they feel the life of each heartbeat.

How is the life of the fisherman?
On land not worth much. When you arrive at the port you wish to sell your fish, albeit a bad price, so you go with yours. Soon you get bored and walk drinking in bars until the money runs out. Then prepare another way out, fix your network, your ship. On a boat feel life, you know that everyone is as important as the captain, all depend on all, you can not take, nor sleep, nor can distract you, and before the storm and fight you if you entrust is losing. At sea you can not loosen.

What is the best fisherman?
Under the Sea, where the horizon is only water on your fragile little boat in the middle of the sea, the fisherman feels the glory. Want to catch the larger fish and return in the worst storm to reach the port when all speak of him and his exploits. The best time is when the fisherman is transformed into legend.


ECUADOR. In a conversation with a citizen of the place, he asked:

How do you feel now that they are following your dream?
I am filled life. I think I was thirty years without having lived. I think I just newly born because now I'm living.

Did you learn anything on your trip down here?
many, it seems that more than a trip outside learning. We learn every day ... is a world open to us and shown.

What do you remember most of what they learned?
When we learned that progress must be left to one side fears, because if we go, never let us move forward. We learned that in everything there is a lot of energy and we use it, help us a lot to accomplish, such as feel-good full of health and life. Superimportant Another thing we learned is that we are part of a whole, a very important, so important com is king of the world be without disturbing the reign of the others.

Anything else?
Yes, we learned that we must try to be less, rather than having more. If not, things bind us and sink us.

What else?
most important thing we learned is that we are not alone. Is anyone enjoying the part of us in this journey, this dream, and that is helping us a lot because whenever we need help, it appears.

The Ecuadorian citizen concludes: "They went out into the world and the world opened to them because you opened it. You changed, have become malleable as clay. Each moment, each learning and each person they know they are giving form to the new me who you are and all this happens because one day they decided to start. Something as simple as starting, but never do. "


AMAZONAS. Before leaving on the boat on the river, Captain Herman tells Aldaz:

Are not you afraid of death?
I have fear of not living, to get me death without having lived this life, I feel, now that we are following our dream, which resurrected. He was alive but in a life without life. No, I have no fear of death, death is painless. Life hurts, life is not lived.


AMAZONAS. On the way stop at a place and the native Braulio invited to stay overnight. So I wonder if they are the owners of the land. And he answers:

- People like to build your house where they want. When the land no longer pays off, look elsewhere.

What happens to the abandoned house? Quickly
again be part of the soil, and in some years, forest.

But who is the land where they build?
The earth does not belong, you belong to her: she comes and she will go. Everything you see in your body is a land loan and one day give it back. Before you were born there land and then you go will remain. God gave you the miracle of life to enjoy it and the beauty of the earth, not that I owned. Have a paper saying you own ... In this paper the earth laughs. **********

* More information: .

* You can find more references to interesting travel books at the following link .

* Today's Blog Soccer Phenomenon Phenomena, post: Raul, an example for managers ... and managers not .


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