Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Learn To Brazilian Wax

Some time ago I wrote an article entitled Woodworking and teamwork , in which he spoke how alone we are nobody and need others to get away. An African proverb says: "If you want to go fast, you see only, if you want to go far, go with others." Whoever goes to Robinson Crusoe for life chances of success are very limited. We all have weaknesses and limitations we need to make in building a competent set. On one occasion they asked for his success Amancio Ortega Zara and Inditex, saying: "My success is that of all who work and have worked with me. A human being can be so intelligent, so powerful or so arrogant as to make it just a company of this caliber. There are many who have left life in the company. They are Many have come true gem from the beginning until now (see post So Amancio Ortega, the man who I think Zara ).

few weeks ago, Montserrat Moreno, Doctor of Psychology, said in an interview La Contra : "The cooperation is what has made life possible." He added: "The stronger the cooperating" (the rest of the interview on other issues also worth).

I remembered a video that our friend Alfonso Alcántara (@ Yoriento) left us long ago in his blog post Facilitating the successes (13/08/2009). There Alfonso also noted: "Most people who have had reasonable success in life have been supported at some point, even boast about their self-sufficiency. Without the help of others no one goes too far. Another thing is knowing how to provide such support in the manner and at appropriate times. "

Here is the great video :


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