Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spouse Weddind Dance Mount And Blade

Tribute to bloggers / twitterers (48): Virginio Gallardo

New edition of Homage to bloggers, this time with Virginio Gallardo (@ virginiog). As he says, "I always talk about change that I am extremely boring and flat. I have always done so despite having gone through some multinationals in the sector. My profession: managing people (called HR) in changing environments and promote innovation as a mechanism for organizational transformation. "

Here are the questions and answers:

1. One lesson that life taught you: How we change. Today I am not like that years ago, and probably in the future will not be like I am now.

2. A lesson that has taught the professional world: how high you can always fall and vice versa.

3. A lesson that has taught the world of training: Always be an apprentice.

4. A lesson you have taught the world of internet / blogs / social networks: There is much talent in anonymous.

5. What do you like the world 2.0.: amplifies the best of the people and generosity.

6. What do you dislike the world 2.0.: amplifies the worst and be a social panopticon, a place where you will not you can know who is watching you, a new form of social control.

7. Defined by a phrase the world we live in: a very uncertain world and so exciting.

8. What I miss most in society: Solidarity with those who go really wrong.

9. Attribute value most about a person: Humility.

10. Thing we endure in a person: That harm to others.

11. A word of advice you would give to young people: prepare for forget and reinvent themselves.

12. The greatest enemy of man is: man.

13. The greatest ally of man is: man.

14. A film that you recommend and why: The film struck me was Blade Runner (1982), Ridley Scott. Most recent: Matrix , Avatar ... Help me to weigh on the role of people in the future.

15. A book that you recommend and why: A serious book Emotional Intelligence, based on the technical level you have there are different books. But they are useful concepts for the entire world that can be happier and have more adaptation to professional and personal.

16. A restaurant that you recommend and why: restaurant Monastery of Sant Llorenç del Munt , because it implies that you have uploaded a beautiful mountain.

17. A food: bread crumbs and flour products Iberian Marquis (Granada) are memories of my childhood.

18. A song that you recommend and why: I like Nordic metal groups, his lyrics help me think: Epica, Within Temptation, ... Nemo Nigthwish propose especially sung by Tarja Turunen (who sings opera and has an impressive voice)

19. A city that you recommend to go visit and why: Any Asian megacity, to detect trends of what will be our future. Usually impress the cultural contrast, learn, ..

20. A city that you recommend to live and why: Any English city with a certain size: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Victoria, Sevilla .. Maybe some French or Latin America: Santiago de Chile, Monterey .. Why: Quality of life, climate, cuisine, language, ..

21. What you like best about Spain and English: I do not like classifying people by country. Spain is a state that has been modernizing fast institutionally and socially.

22. What you dislike about Spain and English: Lack of leadership social / political, but I do not think that is unique to Spain.

23. Which historical figure would you like to share and present a "heads up"
- Historical Jesus Christ.
- Actual: Obama.

24. The man is good by nature (Rousseau) and The Man is a wolf to man (Hobbes)?: Both are correct depends on the man.

25. Does life have meaning or not?: Our main mission is to find it.

26. Is there real friendship or just friendly substitutes?: can be true friends. I guess it's to much for a lot. That is difficult.

27. The world is changing for the better, worse or is the same as centuries ago: Evolve spiritually I think better, but the material conditions of life certainly improve.

28. What is success for you?: plenty of sleep each night knowing you've done something interesting, sense of having lived.

29. What is wisdom for you?: Knowing what is success, not to be confused.

30. How do you see the death from your shoes?: is a topic somewhat childish, but I do not think the obvious.

31. Is life great or, perhaps, as Huxley said, is hell on other planets? can be wonderful or hell. Almost always depends on how you want her.

32. A good leader is distinguished by: serve others.

33. A good employee is distinguished by: their professionalism, which almost always involves having fun with your job (life is too short to motivate you into something you do not like).

34. A leading reference for you: are usually anonymous people who give a lot without expecting anything in return: heads of hospital units, SME entrepreneurs of small ...

35. If you were Prime Minister, the first decision you would take: would make deep reforms in the Civil Service (HR groups), it is technically easy and clear, the impact on profitability would be very high, greatly influence the country's competitiveness and most importantly dignify would get more public.

36. A hobby: the mountain.

37. Main feature of your character that defines you: record.

38. Feature in the one you like better: be more empathetic.

39. Which blogger would you like invitásemos this tribute and why: Manuel Gross (@ manuelgross) with his thought Imaginactivo from Chile is one of the more rigorously people is helped change the business culture and this I deserves enormous respect. It is a basic social need to create wealth and happiness.

40. A phrase / quote that reflects your philosophy of life: Allow wrong (if not wrong is that something does not do well)

41. A dream that you would like to see done: Our business: Humannova. Societal values \u200b\u200bthat projects are social and business success.

42. Blogs-Web / Twitter: / @ virginiog.

43. Publications (books / ebooks): L'Europe de la diversité, transformational leadership , Prospectives for the future: Catalunya 2010, ..

* On Wednesday March 23 is the Presentation of "Watercolor traveling" of GeoPlaneta and Lonely Planet.


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