Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Presentation Paper on International Symposium Javier Fernández Aguado

The March 22, at 18:00, will take place in the EOI submission the book published on the International Symposium I thought Javier Fernández Aguado, in which different professionals-managers participated, thinkers, teachers, consultants at different panels ...- The voice of the experts directors and partners, and realized here on several occasions. My statement at that event was smart Entrepreneurship. We also made the digital version of the talks (ebook) and some video about it.

The book is presented, published Observatory for HR compiling the papers, interviews, essays, etc. prepared on the occasion of the IFEMA congress in the February 25, 2010, attended by over 600 professionals from a dozen countries in Europe and America. Speakers were 20 of the most outstanding professionals in the contemporary Management.

The book launch will take place at 18:00 in the Auditorium of the EOI (Gregorio del Amo, 6 / Madrid) will be interventions of the book editor Teresa Sáenz Blanco, director of HR Monitoring Other speakers: José Lozano, president of AEFOL, Eugenio de Andrés, managing partner of Tatum, Joaquín Oset, Director of Human Capital Group and Director of Sounion Gesfor and Javier Fernández Aguado himself.

Professor Fernández Aguado, Professor, Managing Partner of MindValue and member of the exclusive club of thinkers Top Ten Management Spain has received the Peter Drucker Award for Innovation in Management (USA, 2008) . It is also the only English thinker on which Symposium has been made when in full production. He has published over thirty books alone, and published over two hundred books and essays analyzing his thought, including various theses.

The book, elegantly edited, has been sponsored by Stock-SFB Financial Software, Eloge, la Caixa and Hune.

Those interested can register at the following link .

* Blog Today in English for the World, Pedro Medina writes about Living in London: the Red Nose Day on St. Patrick's Day in London.


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