Friday, March 18, 2011

Cervical Lordotic Loss

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man I

With Begoña Gamonal (@ gamonalb) I find this video entitled: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man with starring John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Nothing we do not know but it should be recalled. Woody Allen said that "man exploits man but sometimes the opposite happens." The mechanism for world domination is debt and corruption. The story I stay in one sentence: "Today there is more slavery that has ever been at any other time in history." And also: "Governments are invisible. Is corporatocracy which implements the policies. "

John Adams (1735-1826). Said:" There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation with the sword, and with debt. "And leave a post here on this matter entitled: What, how to create and what is the money? Goethe said: "Nobody is more slave than he who falsely believes free." Here's the video of 10 minutes (2 parts) which is waste:

Part 1 / 2

Part 2 / 2

* Other works by John Perkins are

- Manipulated: a gangster economic reveals why the world economy has collapsed and what to do to remake .
- The Secret History of the American empire: economic gangsters, murderers for hire and the whole truth about global corruption .

* From now on the Menu tab you can find Recommendations, which shows a list of books read in the last year that I found interesting.


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