Monday, March 7, 2011

Tally 7.2 Memory Access Voilation

Juan Palomo technique: I cook it, I eat it

Once I told an officer:

- In Spain you go to the lawyer when you have problems, in other European countries leave before the lawyer precisely to avoid problems .

to save a few euros, then the problems are often a horse. Spain has good things and some not so, as all nations. One of the less good is that we play too much improvisation, and of course, that sometimes works, sometimes not.

This improvisation is often reflected in that we tend to see everything as an expense and not as an investment, making instead of allocating resources to strengthen and make more strong and robust, and organizations are investing in training , technology, etc, fall into the easy game Do it yourself, or what is, in technical Juan Palomo, I cook it I eat it .

The difference between value and price have not very clear. Something has a high price does not mean expensive. said yesterday Angel Cabrera (@ artecar24) in homage to bloggers that what you like least about Spain was the mischief of "everything free" hides behind a selfish want to receive but not give.

also the Director General of Spain Toshiba told me the following anecdote. After giving a lecture in London, an aide approached him and said

- is the first English who speaks no price.

That improvisation that often leads to notice that things are not spending and investment is also reflected in the world of communication. In this life everything is communication and yet we believe to communicate is to talk and that's it. Olga Cuenca, founder of Llorente y Cuenca once told me: "With communication as football goes, apparently, we all know." Guillermo Perry, World Bank Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean (1996-2007), I also said: "The ability to lead and influence is based more on having clear ideas and expose them to know them, that the position held or political or financial support you have. "

We often hear politicians (or business managers) say: "The move was successful but have not managed to communicate." Here once dedicated a post with the title: Why communicate English so badly? He referred to the book by Manuel Campo Vidal with the same title. Our friend Gonzalo Alvarez de The art of presenting (@ artepresentar) devotes considerable time, effort and energy to improve on this. Communication, like everything else, has its own technique, which requires knowledge, training, practice and make feed-back. Watch what you say, how you say, know who you target, in what context ... Everything must be looked after. As is occasionally says: "The best improvisation is properly prepared." Often communicate poorly, poorly negotiated, invest poorly ... and this is because we teach and we do not care to learn. Humility is the first requirement of wisdom. And some phrases:

- "Nothing reveals so much the character of a person as his voice" (Benjamin Disraeli).
- Communication begins before speaking.
- The silences speak.
- "Before you speak, watch the clock and think about the clock attendants" (Manuel Campo Vidal).
- "The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself" (Aristotle).


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