Friday, March 11, 2011

Toilet Roll Test Girth

The best quotes from Martin (Hache) Catch your dream

Sometimes we have spoken here Management Film. We have said on several occasions that the cinemas are classrooms that can extract valuable lessons for life, in general, and the business world in particular.

Today we speak of Martin (Hache) , a 1997 film directed by Adolfo Aristarain. The cast is excellent. I personally all seem proud: Federico Luppi, Juan Diego Botto, Eusebio Ponce Cecilia Roth.

Martin (Hache) is among my favorite movies for his script, a script very provocative in some parts of the tape, you need to know to decipher between lines and not get into the housing. The plot is as follows: "Martín Echenique (Federico Luppi) is a film director, born in Buenos Aires, which has more than twenty years living in Madrid. He hates his country, refuses to dwell on nostalgia and not allowed reunion with his past. Following the family tradition, his son also called Martin, but everyone calls him Hache, with that letter (H) in parentheses distinguishes him from his father and has caused the opposite effect, to deny an identity nominally own. Hache (Juan Diego Botto) is 19 and lives in Buenos Aires with his mother. Neither school nor working, loitering and playing rock with his electric guitar. Five years since the last time she saw her father, but meet again when, Hache suffer an accident that puts you at the gates of death perhaps desired, Martin goes immediately to her son's side to overcome the terror aircraft and its intention not to return to Buenos Aires. His ex-wife has formed a new family in which there is no physical or emotional space for Hache. The proposal is that she lives with Martin Hache. In Madrid I hope Alicia (Cecilia Roth), Martin's lover, a woman much younger than him and eager to shoot down the strong defenses that he has raised you not to make a commitment to partner with her, and Dante (Eusebio Poncela) the best and almost the only friend of Martin. Dante is an actor, but his real job is living up to what you think. His greatest pleasure is to live on a tightrope. Martin shares his life with passionate people, but he may not be felt. He who loves is exposed to pain and that he panicked. "

The following video (5 minutes), the best bits of the film with some of the most famous phrases of the script. To think:


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