Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Tribute to bloggers / twitterers (46): Angel Cabrera

Today we have in the Tribute to the guest bloggers Angel Cabrera strangely yesterday morning turned 40 and married 10 years ago. Regarding his career, in 1989 finished second degree Vocational, Technical Specialist in Management. Five years earlier his mother had given him a MSX. So at age 14 is playing keys. Since 1996 its activity has been linked to nearly 100% to the Internet. His career was longer and technical support in the Department of Health Technology Assessment of the Canary Islands Health Service and subsequently in the Canary Foundation and Health Research. Today is history and return to private enterprise. He currently works as an analyst / programmer developing CRM while making activities of community management and technology watch more an amalgam of functions labeled as "guy for everything."

Here are the questions and answers:

1. One lesson that life taught you: That we were wrong much as we succeed, so it would not hurt to be flexible, with others and with oneself.

2. A lesson that has taught the professional world: That in the end, what speaks to you is what you do and not what you say you do.

3. A lesson that has taught the world of training: That is not important to learn techniques, abbreviations and numbers, but abstract ideas and methods. This way you can transfer knowledge between different areas and develop new ideas.

4. A lesson you have taught the world of internet / blogs / social networks: That the best way to win is to contribute.

5. What do you like the world 2.0.: the conversation.

6. What do you dislike the world 2.0.: As always, the lack of humility, devotion, lack of involvement.

7. Phrase defined the world in which we live: We live era of the silent revolution.

8. What I miss most in society: Empathy for the suffering of others. We want to progress together.

9. Attribute value most about a person: Simplicity.

10. Thing we endure in a person: Arrogance.

11. A word of advice you would give to young people: Patience with perseverance.

12. The greatest enemy of man is: Selfishness.

13. The greatest ally of man is: Solidarity.

14. A film that you recommend and why: I action movies and entertainment, with little message. The thinking of staying for home. I especially like watching movies with the family. The last Adele and the mystery of the mummy (2010), a very good French film of adventure, humor, with heroin as the star and far from certain cliches. A product that English cinema should copy, I think.

15. A book that you recommend and why: I read a lot but always I have the feeling of not having read anything, to be ignorant. The first book that really struck me was The Third Wave of Alvin Toffler. The last I read, Everything will change, of Enrique Dans (@ Edans), based on my initial distrust of the character, I was surprised and would recommend it. In the area of \u200b\u200b"outstanding", many, including recent books Punset and Hawking, and also some of Saramago, who discover now, after his death.

16. A restaurant that you recommend and why: In Tenerife eats great. I think it has to be one of the largest English habit of eating out on weekends. Especially in the north of the island, I think the business is the most popular restaurant. Any of these corners, mounted in a garage, with wood-burning grills, meat and wine of the country. I have a simple palate. I admit.

17. A food: pot A canary, but you have come to Tenerife and go north of the island at the top, to prove it.

18. A song that you recommend and why: Depending on the season and when there is a song that becomes the soundtrack of my life. And now it's the turn of Before you count 10 Fito & Fitipaldis. We must listen to the lyrics to understand. :)

19. A city that you recommend to go visit and why: Well, what he would name some big city and become a great traveler. But I recommend coming to Tenerife , north of the island, San Juan de la Rambla, Garachico, Icod de los Vinos, El Tanque, Buenavista, Los Silos. You must come and enjoy these people and landscapes to understand.

20. A city that you recommend to live and why: Santa Cruz de Tenerife . A leisurely city. Outside the islands, Barcelona, \u200b\u200balthough the city would choose to live if it came off the Canary Islands, I hate when on occasion (point) have made me feel "alien."

21. What you like best about Spain and English: That is a town of people. The joy of living. And, say what you say, the English are moderate, we just want things to work and have a peaceful existence. I think.

22. What you dislike about Spain and English: The mischief of "everything free" hides behind a selfish want to receive but not give.

23. Which historical figure would you like to share and present a "heads up"
- History: In the local, very local, Imobac Bencomo, king of Taoro, north of the island of Tenerife, one of the main resistant to the English conquest in the fifteenth century, now converted into a myth, a model. Internationally, Asimov or Sagan, Tolstoy and Bakunin, Tolkien or "Don Juan ").
- Now: Since I missed the time of the idols. Now I like meeting people, knowing how they see the world, their expectations. All men and women have something special. Just that some do not know.: D

24. "The man is good by nature (Rousseau) and The Man is a wolf to man (Hobbes)?: The good man is a wolf living in a predatory nature and as such, act.

25. Does life have meaning or not?: makes sense when the full content. I am a strong proponent of having introduced the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath and temporality of our existence. I think that relieves some burdens, relativize some problems, gives us light and joy to live the present to know that time is limited. And that limitation is unknown. Life is an adventure.

26. Is there real friendship or just friendly substitutes?: There are those who cultivate. As they sow, you get. Friendship is not something that is out there. It's something that you put on the table ahead of the others.

27. The world is changing for the better, worse or is the same as centuries ago: We won welfare, lost in humanism, gain health, lose in proximity, gain wealth, we lose time to waste time ... The social change and that change is generated by the social environment. Is the dog chasing its tail.

28. What is success for you?: inward, personal satisfaction. Out, the welfare of my family.

29. What is wisdom for you?: know I do not know, which is no small or easy.

30. How do you see the death from your shoes?: As a whip me back to reality and pushes me to live with intensity the moment.

31. Does Life is wonderful and, perhaps, as Huxley said, is hell on other planets? Life is what we build around us, as with friendship. The environment in which they are born and grow is critical but there comes a time when we stop being "children" (really) and what command are our decisions and actions. Life, when we are guides and leaders of the steps we take, is a result.
32. A good leader is distinguished by: Play, delegate, coordinate, reward, recognize, assist, encourage, educate, share. Aware that the leader is just the tip of something bigger and that without that which follows, is nothing.

33. A good employee is distinguished by: Listen, understand, participate, contribute, promote, engage, cooperate and share. Aware that it is a significant piece of machinery increased. A clock, without their smallest screw, no matter how expensive it is, still made of pure gold, would not perform the action for which it was created, marking time. It's a metaphor that I love (self-produced).

34. A leading reference for you: I think the best leader I have is myself. Each of us should abide by our leader of interior and collaborate / share with others a common effort looking for a specific purpose.

35. If you were Prime Minister, the first decision you would take: Resign.

36. A hobby: Write: and .

37. Main feature of your character that defines you:
Reflection. Observation.

38. Feature in the one you like better: Play. Patience.

39. Which blogger would you like this tribute invitásemos and why: Antonio E. Zafra ( The Mosquito / @ antonioezafra). Because it is a "hat" with a special ability to see the world in the blogosphere and the political. I think people need not be licensed or titled or recognized or rewarded to observe with intelligence. I consider Anthony a highly intelligent observer. For me it is a reference although it is not "famous" in the network. Julio Caballero ( The city of dreams billion), it could be, in a few years and just a bit of luck, the example of "writer 2.0.

40. A phrase / quote that reflects your philosophy of life: I am the result of the amalgamation of the thoughts and desires that I choose to have and the actions they choose to perform.

41. A dream that you would like to see done: material in the field, a career opportunity that allows me to dedicate 100% of Internet communication. In the family, be able to bring happiness to mine. In the depths, a change in global consciousness that we become more caring people.

43. Publications (books / ebooks): I have children, planted trees ... and the book is on its way.

44. Additional Comments: Although I love the communication and to communicate need to be addressed, I believe neither more nor less than any other, I'm a normal guy wanting to give the key. Nothing more, nothing less. I have no answers, or even the questions. As I arrive, I try to live with intensity the role I play in every situation.

* On Sunday March 13 we will have to Andrés Pérez Ortega, Personal Brand (@ marcapersonal).


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